We know lots of you have food Q's at this time of year. To make it easy for people to share and find answers we've popped them all here. Pop you Q under here but check to see if it's already been askd.
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We know lots of you have food Q's at this time of year. To make it easy for people to share and find answers we've popped them all here. Pop you Q under here but check to see if it's already been askd.
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ginger ale Q. Asked by barny: is ginger ale ok to mix with drinks also what other mixers are ok?
Janie_com asked: Q. Which jelly can I use for a trifle? Is sugar free jelly in a sachet ok?
We use weight watchers jelly in sachets as my boyfriend is veggie so it suits us both happy holidays!
A. Mazz answered:
Hi Janie, I have had a look at my hartley jellie cubes, it says nothing about containing gluten, but, that is what I am going to use over christmas.
A. Maryelle
birds eye trifle mix, take out the cake packet, replace with fruit, yum !
Asked by rutlandrobbie Q. Does anyone know if ALL brands of tinned coconut milk are gluten free?
Asked by BerkshireBird
I'm sure you all know where to buy GF mincemeat for mince pies but I don't! Could someone please enlighten me? Thank you!
FionaGFG GFG yesterdayEdit | Delete
M&S is the best place. They also do a great variety of GF Xmas food i.e. sausages wrapped in bacon, stuffing balls, dips, florentine biscuits with chocolate, frozen GF desserts (Eton Mess etc). Mrs Crimbles breadcrumbs / stuffing mix is also handy. Often sold out by now though.
I got some Mrs Crimbles GF stuffing mix from Morrisons yesterday. x
Hi BB, Robertson's mince meat is gluten free and on offer in Sainsburys for £1.00 for a 411g jar, here's a link confirming it's gluten free:
Robertsons mincemeat is lovely used it today to make some pies with mrs crimbles pastry mix....... You get about a dozen to the pastry mix..
Well I usually make my own using the Delia recipe from her Christmas book, the one where
the last process is gentle warming in low oven. Contact me if you want the actual recipe.
Well of course as this is my FIRST GF Christmas what was I to do? I decided to use grated frozen butter rather than suet then as I was grating it I sprinkled rice flour over the grated butter. It looked a bit clumpy andI thought it wouldn't work. But heyho did. The mincemeat is as usual yummy; have sampled it with cream. Just taken delivery of ready made sweet shortcrust pastry from GFree foods in Honiton so somewhere on today's ever increasing list of jobs is making mince pies for me!!
Infinity foods do one, i have a jar from last year! Might just have a spoonful and pretend its wrapped in pastry!
Asked by infomaniac
Bisto best gravy granules
there seems to be some confusion as to whether this is gluten free or not-can anyone confirm please? Thanks a lot
It used to be but then, I believe, there were changes and now it's not. Such a shame I used to use it all the time too but have had to find an alternative..
I have a jar of Bistobest in front of me. There is clearly no ingredient containing Gluten. The Allergy advice label states it contains soya but not gluten. I have used it for 3 months without problems.
Hya, here's your answer:
It isn't that it contains gluten it is produced on a line that handles wheat flour.
Please could you tell me if white stilton with apricots is safe for coeliacs to eat? Have avoided blue veined cheese as I understood wheat was used to make the mould.
Hi Jan, here's M&S list of foods that do not contain gluten and you want to scroll down to page 13. And white Stilton with apricots is in the right hand column,
I hope that this helps and thanks for asking as it sounds really nice.
Another question please, have just been reading a recipe book that states in the front 'that sometimes wheat is used to make sour cream' . Just bought some sour cream no mention of wheat in it was hoping to make a baked cheesecake.
Hi Jan, does it say modified starch? as this can be from wheat, so what I would do is contact customer service of the maker and be on the safe side.
It sounds like you are making some tasty treats for Christmas so good for you and I hope that you enjoy them.
Thanks Jerry for your reply, that M and S list is a real gem, still a bit confused about blue vein cheeses as some of these appear on the list as well, do you know whether these are ok? this is my first GF christmas so I am still on a bit of a learning curve. The soured cream has no mention of modified starch on the ingredients list or anything else ominous so I'm going to assume it's ok.
Hi Jan, I've always avoided blue veined Stilton but if M&S list it as gf I ask them why, this is what their customer service is for. It could be that it is below codex. (So it has less than 20ppm of gluten)
I'd rather be safe than sorry and it is a steep learning curve so you ask away. And enjoy your first Christmas.
Hey Jan44,
I only know from experience to avoid blue vein cheese, I think the mould thing is right, lots is grown on breadcrumbs. I had a lovely cranberry Wensledale a couple of Christmases ago but it didn't love me back! My philosophy is avoid unless you know for sure.
RE: cheesecake - I make a nice one (not baked) that uses a 500g tub of Marscapone from Sainsbury, mixed with a spoonful of clear honey and some lemon, lime or orange zest. I think soured cream is fine, never come across one that has gluten in it.