Manuka honey and is it a superfood? I... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Manuka honey and is it a superfood? It has amazing healing properties.

4 Replies

This is something that interests me bacuse if some foods can make us ill then can some foods also make us well?

I first came across Manuka honey after looking after a neighbours house whilst they were on holiday in NZ and they brought me back a jar of Manuka honey. I was staggered when I read how patients were given the option of either having surgery for peptic ulcers or taking Manuka honey 4 times a day! Now I love honey and hate hospitals so I know which I would choose.

Many coeliac seem to get acid reflux and Manuka honey gives almost instant relief. It is also used in treating skin complaints because of its naturally antiseptic properties. I have posted a link at the bottom showing its health benefits.

It comes in various UMF strengths and I buy the UMF 5+ and UMF 10 the 5+ is around £6.00 a jar and the 10 is around £10.00 the higher strengths are over £25 a jar. But as I eat it as a healthy food and not a medicine thats good enough for me and expensive enough.

I like honey with cream cheese either on digestive biscuits or toast its like instant cheese cake. Fortunately I am not over weight so do not have to watch calories!

The only down side the price and it contains fructose so if you can not tolerate fructose its out. As for the price, at the end of the day we are what we eat.

So Manuka honey is on my list of potential super foods. And this may be of interest to some:

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4 Replies
Adriana profile image

Hi Jerry, We are great fans of Manuka honey in this household. I discovered it through a friend who is a nutritionist. My youngest daughter used to get terrible coughs and colds that on a too frequent basis would land us in the A&E due to chest complications. Once they even thought she had TB. My friend recommended a teaspon of manuka honey on a daily basis. To my amazement, this has done the trick. She no longer gets these awful colds and when she is looking a little run down, or starts to sniffile, I quickly administer a small cup of manuka tea and within 6 hours, the sniffles disappear. I too was shocked by the price. The first time I purchased a jar, I thought the store had made a mistake. So I came back to querie it and was stunned to see that it was correct. I would say that it's worth every penny and I like you would go for a higher strength- at least 10+ or possibly 15+.

Since discovering the healing properties of Manuka I have become a self proclaimed agent for the stuff- so anyone I see with the sniffles, a cough or looking a little peeky- gets the....have you tried Manuka honey? I think many people think I must have shares in the stuff....if only!

JaneHelen profile image

Manuka honey is very reasonably priced in Aldi - £3 something.

Must try this it sounds great.

SimplyYummy123 profile image

Yes, it is "miraculous"! My children and I have been using it for the last 10 years. Just a spoonful of "sugar" helps the medicine go down ...

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