The Results of My Food Allergy Testin... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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The Results of My Food Allergy Testing...

Liana profile image
11 Replies some of it I knew ... some was a total shock. I had the Hemocode Test done here in Canada - 250 foods and food additives. I understand it's available in the UK as well. It tests for food intolerances, not food allergies. (Allergies manifest in the mouth, throat and lungs and react quickly - intolerances manifest in the digestive tract and are delayed) I had had allergy testing done before but the results were very limited and I knew that with the problems I'm having now with internal bleeding, I needed the more finite answers that the food intolerance testing could provide.

Now the bad news... what I can't eat for a year or perhaps ever. So, I knew about wheat in all its many forms and I knew about citrus fruits. Big shockers... eggs, all red meat (beef, veal, pork and lamb), all sugars, all honey, chocolate, coffee, beets, spinach, peanuts, many tree nuts, goose, bananas, herring, salmon, strawberries...even aspartime and black tea.

I have been given a list of acceptable foods, but even that list contains many foods I'm actually allergic to (if they don't get you one way then it's another!)

My son suggested if I could just bypass the mouth those allergic foods would be fine in the gut! Interesting concept.I have just finished 4 days of reading and research in order to create my own unique Rotaion Diet. I feel stressed and anxious.

I do hope this will work. I hope the pain and bleeding will stop. I'm a very bohemian kind of gal ... this rigid eating scedule isn't natural for me. However, I will fordge ahead and do my best to make this a success. If anyone has any helpful suggestions, I'd be only to happy to hear from you.

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11 Replies
FionaGFG profile image

Hi Liana is this test recognised by the medical community? Can you also discuss it with a good dietitian or nutritionist? Will you be boosting your vits & minerals to make sure you get enough on a limited diet?

Liana profile image
Liana in reply to FionaGFG

Thank you for the suggestions FionaGFG. I appreciate your interest and insights.

The test was done by a Doctor of Naturopathy. My medical doctor is quite open to alternate therapy and treatments (not all are). My allergist readily admitted that she didn't have access to the type of testing that would give me the answers I needed. I do see a dietician (once a year) and have discussed the rotation diet with her, the MD and the Specialist...this isn't the first time I've been on a rotation diet for food allergies and intolerances. The difference this time is the huge number of foods and additives that were covered. (The concept was developed by an MD - Theron Randolph and it's an accepted treatment for food allergies. My private medical insurance even covered the cost.)

The ND who did the testing provided the food lists, a full 40 page report on the test results, in addition to a separate recipe book specifically for my dietary needs and a list of recomended vitamin and mineral suppliments. I can speak to the ND directly whenever I wish.

I feel I'm well covered medically, but it's a huge undertaking and in the end, they're not there day in and day out. You're on your own to make it work. I think I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. It's a lot to take in and, like when I first went gluten free almost 5 years ago, it's all so different from what I'm used to that it generates some anxiety. At least I understand the concepts and principles from previous experience. That helps. The ND also provided a sample rotation diet schedule and worksheets. I have done a lot of research on food and plant families in the past, which I have reviewed. I have several reference books as well. I have the tools... all that's left is to get on with it.

Thanks for letting me ramble my way through this! It's wonderful to have someone to talk to about it. I don't feel so alone. My husband is being extremely supportive and so is my 90 year old mother who lives with us.

NorthernSoul profile image

If you're truly allergic to something 'bypassing the mouth' will have no effect on the reaction whatsoever as long as it gets into the bloodstream.

As for this Hemocode thing. The way they purport to measure food intolerance if via an IgG blood test (see the cached version of their explanation here: -which has been hilariously removed from their website, presumably because someone called them up on it).

Read these articles and papers for a nice summary of why testing IgG as a measure of food intolerance is frankly nonsensical:

I found this also very interesting. It's from a consumer research group who looked at a range of different tests and samples from one person were tested by various companies. Each of them came back with little overlap of the 'intolerances' found:

I mean, there's even some evidence than IgG4 antibodies signify tolerance to some antigens!

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology & American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the US, Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy and the Allergy Society of South Africa have all concluded that IgG testing is useless when it comes to allergy and intolerance testing.

So no, it's not medically recognised in the slightest. And as all these sort of things are, it's funded by a company in prime position to take advantage of the people who buy it- a Canadian pharmacy chain.

By going on such a restrictive diet, you'll be putting yourself at risk of all sorts of vitamin deficiencies (iron, in particular). Don't feel stressed and anxious- eat healthily and eat what you enjoy. Clearly if you have a diagnosis of coeliac, you shouldn't be eating gluten but if you feel alright eating other foods then don't let this quackery stop you from doing that. It will not benefit you in the slightest and only reduce your quality of life further...

As for your bleeding- food intolerance is not a cause of rectal bleeding anyway. I'm guessing you've had investigations for it...?

meanioni profile image

You do need to see a doctor for any form of internal bleeding.

I would say it is highly unlikely the cause is a food intolerance and would agree with NorthernSoul. It sounds like quackery....

If internal bleeding manifests as darker stools, this could be evidence of issues taking place in your stomach such as drug reactions or ulcers. Are you using Aspirin, Ibuprofen or Sodium Diclofenac? These can also cause bleeding in the stomach (black/purple poos).

Evidence of fresher (redder) blood in a stool could be something as simple as haemorrhoids or could be something more serious in the lower gut.

Please do yourself a favour and go see a "proper" doctor.

Liana profile image

The bypassing the mouth comment was meant to be humours... obviously taken the wrong way.

Yes, I have seen numerous doctors for the internal bleeding including 2 specialists. I am scheduled for an endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy and just awaiting a specific date. I have had both ultrasounds and CT scans. I am on morphine and several other medications in the meantime. Because there was no bacterial infection or anything wrong with any organs they have decided to do exploratory proceedures to determine why I'm having so many digestive issues including bleeding from the stomach and rectum. I think you all missed the point. This is about allergies and intolerances to foods, of which I thought this gourp might be supportive. It took a lot of courage (and 4 days) for me to get up the nerve to post in the first place. I won't bother again.

This is IgG testing done from a blood sample. You are entitled to your opinion as to its validity.Many would disagree with you, including a number of medical doctors I know. I'm sorry I shared my story. I mistakenly thought it might be helpful. I will obviously withdraw from this group after your extremely negative, biased opinions, which were the complete oposite of helpful.

NorthernSoul profile image
NorthernSoul in reply to Liana

Please don't be offended- I didn't intend it in the slightest. I am of course immensely sympathetic to whatever intolerances you might have and the symptoms they cause. I am a coeliac, after all! I know exactly what you've had to go through and I know how god-awful it can be. I'm not sure why you'd think I was 'biased' in any way against you...

You can see from the statements given by the medical societies and national organisations I mentioned what the medical consensus is so I won't bother to argue with you about that. All I'm asking is that you approach this with a healthy scepticism and consider the evidence yourself. I don't want you or anyone else to subject yourself to a diet which will reduce your quality of life further without any evidence to support its implementation.

Good luck with your investigations. The gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy will most likely give you the answer to why you've been having the bleeding. And if you're worried about the procedures at all- don't be. They're not as bad as you think!

Liana profile image
Liana in reply to NorthernSoul

Thank you for your comments. With all due respect, I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. Your background is in traditional medicine and I understand your perspective. From decades of personal experience and world travel, my perspective is broader.

I'm well educated, knowledgable and diligent. You can rest assured that my decisions are based on research and discussion with doctors from all disciplines. I respect your right to hold differing opinions from mine.

meanioni profile image
meanioni in reply to Liana

Liana please don't take offence - sadly there are many organisations out there who think nothing of taking advantage of people's health issues and promoting tests/cures which are not based on a lot of scientific substance.

The advice was well-intended and out of concern for your health.

If this upsets you, then I'm sorry but better that than suffer what appears to be an unrealistically harsh diet which could cause other health issues.

Liana profile image
Liana in reply to meanioni

I recognize that the intent was well intended. I repect others' rights to hold opinions that are different from mine. My decisions were not made lightly or without considerable research. Please do not misunderstand. I'm working with a broad knowledge of all the facts, which it's just not possible to share here, in this format, without breaching my privacy further. Thank you for taking the time and interest to respond to my post.

FionaGFG profile image

Hi - all. Healthy debate and differences of opinion is what makes our site vibrant. Obviously we won't always see eye to eye - wouldn't life be dull if we all thought the same?! However, do bear in mind that when you read someones comments you can't hear their tone of voice or expression so it may sound harsher to you than it was meant. Likewise - when commenting please bear this in mind too. I think on the whole we all muck in and share our experiences, tips and knowledge well within the site. Yet do feel free to speak up if someone's upset you - however - bear in mind that most people don't go out of their way to deliberately upset people.

The guys are right rectal bleeding should be investigated. I have been through this so if anyone wants a blog about my sigmoidoscopy I'll happy write one.

need2know profile image

Hi Liana, I am considering taking the test but it is $450 and I am reading so many mixed reviews. I know I struggle with a lot of food intolerances. It has been very long and time consuming and frustrating individually testing foods and I am barely further ahead in my "List of intolerances." The idea of just sending in a blood sample and getting a personalized list sent to me REALLY appeals to me! I realize that a lot of medical organizations have spoken out against it. BUT seriously….I can site a million medical reports in the history of Medicine that are wrong. And I know that it is always changing…….what I am asking you… your honest opinion. Your original post was over 2 years ago. Was the hemocode test helpful? Would you recommend this? Would love to hear back from you.

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