I have never had a problem with eating bacon before but the other day I found myself severely glutened by three rashers of smoked bacon! I checked in the supermarket today and half the packs had wheat flour and wheat starch now listed on the ingredients.....so please check every time you buy something. You may have had the product many times and been safe only to find they have changed the ingredients...
Has anyone else had a problem with re... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Has anyone else had a problem with reacting to prepacked bacon?

Sappho sorry to hear about you being glutened by bacon. Another unexpected item with added wheat flour. The list goes on what with that, the cheese and the wispa bar I'm starting to wonder what will come next. Will you let me know where you bought it from?
I bought it from Lidl ( but I live in Greece). I looked at the other packs and over half had wheat flour or wheat starch added to them. It's best to check wherever you live as it seems to be the done thing to suddenly add them to products. Incidentally, Lidl's here sell fantastic gluten free sausages that are flavoured with dill and mint...they are lovely!
Gee thanks for info, I am due to get more bacon so will take care of info.
We have terrible terrible problems with all the additives in bacon but recently we've found one that is simply cured with salt, sliced and vacuum packed. It's completely free of everything and tastes scrumptious. We buy it at the Alexandra Palace Farmers Market - the stallholder is there fortnightly so check online first - he's from Oaks Farm Halstead Kent and is keen to sell so I'm sure he'd do mail order.
Blimey, never thought about bacon, have been eating more since going GF. Normally buy Asda's own so better check that out. Thanks for the warning!
I've just looked through all of Sainsbury's bacons and not one of them seems to have any gluten/flour. Am I missing a gluten-y additive under a different name perhaps? There aren't any dietary warnings either. Could it just be a Greek thing?
we should find (hopefully) that wheat product as filler etc. should reduce. A butcher explained to me that wheat flour is harder to use, and is also getting to expensive. In Australia it is very unusual to see wheat flour in bacon or sausages. Thank God
I wondered if it was just the smoked bacon products?