Does anyone know if Maize starch is gluten or not? It's in mayonnaise & stuff like that. I have ordered the coeliac food & drink directory but it hasn't come yet? Thanks Debs
Help with ingrediants please............ - Gluten Free Guerr...
Help with ingrediants please.................

Technically maize starch should be made from corn, so if you are ok with corn it should be fine for you. However I think it can sometimes depend on which country you are in as to whether the maize starch is cross-contaminated or not. I suppose the best thing is to contact that company that makes the product and ask them. Hope this helps?
Maize starch as already said should be gluten free as maize is the other name for corn. I use it a lot.
I have the same mayo in my fridge and the ingredients list looks ok. Just a thought until your food and drink directory arrives (mine took about 3 weeks) you could register on the coeliac uk site and look at the electronic directory online. Also there are 3 a4 sheets you can print out which give details of which foods are ok what to be wary of and ones you can't have. I found this quite useful at the beginning when it can be a bit daunting finding out what you can and can't eat.
Even when you have the Food and Drink directory you will still find foods that are not included in it (and if you are like me, still forget to put it in your bag so you end up stood in the middle of the supermarket squinting at ingredient lists)!
I do most of my grocery shopping online and find that the supermarket websites are generally quite good at listing ingredients and allergy statements - for example, try here:
and click on the Nutrition section.
Sometimes ingredients change so it's always worth double checking when the jar is in your hand.
I use the Hellmans..and its fine.
Corn is the USA name for maize.
I bake with it often...and its good
Hellmans mayonaise, both normal and light are gf and in the food and drink directory
Thanks for all your replies I will enjoy the Mayo guilt free now.......!
Ocado online shopping have loads of gluten free products. Stick in the item you are looking for,, then the gluten free filter and way to go! Burgers sausages etc. to go with your mayo. I have tried loads of mayo all be okay so far. On Ocado you can bring up the individual products and see what they are made off. I'm too ill to get out and shop at the moment, so it was ideal.
Can't spell, lol, MEAT!
Light mayonnaises often include milk products (to improve flavour with the lower fat content ) so if you have a milk sensitivity take care.