As a Coeliac do you feel you need to belong on every coeliac site on the internet to seek attention or to gain knowledge?
Attention seeking or knowledge?. - Gluten Free Guerr...
Attention seeking or knowledge?.
I think that it's helpful to belong to social networking sites, to feel supported and encouraged by others in the same, or similar, situations as oneself. It can also be very helpful to gain knowledge and 'tips' to help you to navigate and be collaborative with your healthcare team.
At the moment yes - as it is all so new to me Suspect that as time goes on I won't have time to keep up with all the sites & will just choose the 1 or 2 that I feel most comfortable with - suspect this might be the best way of keeping in touch with any new research. Isn't that how it generally works on the internet??
I think its always worth knowing what's out there. I suspect that others, like me, have 'liked' pages initially then found they weren't for them. Biggest certainly isn't best in my opinion. Some people seem obsessed with cake as well as sourcing the most unhealthy foods available and publicising them. I like pages that offer links to other sources of info...e.g. blogs, pages, websites.
Why do you ask Tony? What approach works best for you? Are you exclusive or do you like to shop around and see what news is on all Coeliac Forums?
I keep all my options open and learn from others, acepting that we are not all the same.
I used to frequent Coeliac UK and GFG. Now its just GFG. I can see why one would tour the sites - a bit like popping into different pubs; one where they're watching sport and another where they're discussing politics. I tend to go for serious discussion rather than swapping recipes for chocolate cake; although both are relevant .
Not sure about 'attention seeking' . One thing's for sure. When you're on a low and need some sympathy there will always be one on one of the sites to pick you up.
It's always good to look around. If I look for boards on a certain subject, I always "window shop" first, before finding one I am comfortable with and disregarding the others. This may be for a whole host of reason, but I mainly seek out places that don't take themselves too seriously yet give out brilliant advice.
Can you suggest any boards of interest?
I, personally, used to be a member of every group going! Even though I've been diagnosed for quite a while, it seemed like a lovely novelty to me to be able to talk to others. The only coeliacs in my area from the local meetings are either 40 years older than me, or 20 years younger - I found it hard to relate to them.
However, as Irene has said, people constantly going on about bread and cakes like they're the holy grail has become a little dull, and people seem to ask the same questions over and over, even though they were asked 2 days ago.
Coincidentally, I am now a member of coeliac UK, just to keep up with what's going on, GFG and Coeliac Antics. I used to be a member of "not just a food preference", but they chose to unceremoniously ban me because I dared to question the advice of an admin who does not have coeliac!
I have made some very firm coeliac friends via antics, but my involvment in the others is now ad-hoc and limited to advice only.
Not sure what you mean by "attention seeking"?