Does anyone have any information they could share regards to breathing struggles re Neuropathy linked to celiac disease ? Thank you.
Beyond the Gut: Does anyone have any... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Beyond the Gut
Hi Dottie11.
Sorry to hear. I have mild Asthma since childhood and have had exercise induced breathing issues in the past depending on what I’ve eaten. I’m sensitive to particular foods, histamine, had coeliac ruled out likely allergic and a different gastrointestinal disorder. Not sure I can answer your question re neuropathy. But I recently came across a Dr in America that’s come up with “The Fast Tract Diet”. I listened to him on a YouTube podcast and he related some cases of asthma to the aspiration of gut fermentation to the lungs. This perked my ears up. He says it’s about fermentation and over feeding of the gut bugs of particular carbohydrates. I still have IBS symptoms even though follow a strict gluten free diet. I cannot tolerate much grains even gluten free ones. Anyway there is certainly a link to gut heath and lung health.
It also makes a lot of sense because it tied in with what the late Elaine Gottschall “Breaking the Viscous Cycle…” explained in her invaluable book. That book really helped me. It explains how People with coeliac disease, ibs and gastrointestinal disorders cannot tolerate specific carbohydrates (not until the gut is completely healed anyway).
I will try and find the podcast again and link it.
Thank you. xx
Hi Dottie11.
Sorry for delay. The podcast I listened to is linked here. Norm Robillard is the author of The Fast Tract Diet IBS. There’s loads of videos with him talking about it if put his name in a search engine though this is quite a long one.
The Healthy Gut podcast:
The late Elaine Gotschall interview came across link is here too:
Hope the info may be of some use. I think anyone with gut conditions that’s not doing well on standard of care needs to know the info in Elaine’s book and about the specific carbohydrate diet. It’s helped me immensely. It’s not a quick cure all but it addresses the root cause in a lot, and it’s all backed by decades of scientific literature. Why it’s not mainstream by now who knows but there’s a few clinics in the world that offer it as adjunct treatment for crohns. And it is and has been subject to trials research at a USA University.