Well, it's been a while since I've posted on here, and how negative my previous posts were- thank you all, again, for your support.
I'll break the news straight away- I'm officially Coeliac! Am I happy? Yes. Did the diagnosis process seem worth it? No.
I'd say, ladies and gentleman, a gluten free challenge is painful and draining- mentally and physically. If you are benefiting on a gluten free diet, do not ruin it, just to prove yourself. People who do not accept or trust in you when you say 'I feel better, when I'm gluten free, so I'm not eating it, thank you', are not worth the energy and pain that comes with a difficult diagnosis.
My journey took 5 years and apparently, Im one of the lucky ones. I knew, in my heart, the foods that didn't agree with me, but continued to fill my petrol tank with diesel. I became so depressed with eating that my college grades, relationships and friendships suffered. For those who don't know, I was looking for a diagnosis for my father and step mum, who I lived with.
It was only in the last year that I managed to convince my doctor to refer me to gastro, after 6 consistent negative blood screens. In January, I was diagnosed with a large hiatus hernia and vilious atrophy, but all I came away with was a booklet on how to cope with Gerd. Discussing the results with my doc, he was still relluctant to say 'Coeliac'. During the last couple of months, after still no confirmation, I moved out of my parents home and changed doctors (for the 5th time in my life). As soon as he learnt of my vilious atrophy, he said 'so you're Coeliac'. Hearing my story, he ran more tests, worried about how ignored my symptoms had been, in their severity. Through that I was diagnosed with two types of arthritis. One of which, apparently is caused as a result of gastro-intestinal and auto immune diseases and intolerances to certain sweeteners and lactose, as well as thyroid compilations. He has said that most of these could have been avoided, should I have been diagnosed sooner or carried on eating gluten free.
I am 18. I can't live my life like my friends. I have to take 7 types of tablets every morning, each of which have to be carefully monitored.
I am glad for answers and sense of relief. I am much more positive and manage my symptoms well. My Gerd symptoms are gone, as others are less. The arthritis is worse when my diet is worse. I've noticed that the less human intervention in my food, the better my body reacts. Gluten isn't a clean protein anymore. Some of us just aren't capable of eating it. If that's you, don't let people make you believe otherwise. Stick up for yourself and keep pushing.
I kind of wanted this to be positive, or at least enlightening, maybe not, but let me just finish with: the people that supported me are my friends and have stuck by my side, in every step, with or without 'Coeliac', the only people that needed the label for proof, aren't in my life anymore. It's something I think about and hope will spark thought in others.
All the best x