would anyone know if a ferritin level of 33.5 is normal please ? Thanks in advance. Struggling to understand my results. And if a result of basofil count of 00.3 is normal also ?
blood test to check for celiacs - Gluten Free Guerr...
blood test to check for celiacs

according to the range given with my results, the normal range for ferritin is from 23 to 300, so you are in the range but near the bottom of it.
For the basophil one, do you mean 0.03? - if so you are in the range.
The tests for celiac are tTg, iGa and iGg. But to know if something is in the normal range you need to read your report. different labs have different methods with different ranges for normal.
Had my results and I am one point under the criteria. So I’m going to challenge it. As I have anemia and high cpt also. Thanks for your answer. It’s so confusing isn’t it ☺️
I have found that results just under or just over are pretty musch dismissed by doctirs as being irrelevant. Mine often say things are normal even though I see they are just out of range. My celiac tests however were so far out of normal that my doctor said there was no doubt it was celiac and no need for endoscopy to confirm. Best to ask your doctor for their opinion.
Hi Apney1234,
How much gluten were you eating at that time ? How was your appetite ? I was barely able to eat when first tested but this is not taken into consideration.
Ferritin levels - a laboratory chooses a random cut off level. Please write your symptoms.
Shortness of breath, fatigue, how does your hair feel, state of nails. Ferritin is only part of the story. A full iron panel is more appropriate.
A C-Reactive protein is looking at inflammation in your body.
Basophils are white blood cells and there are lots of different types of blood cells. No need to learn unless you want to become a health professional.
Please ask for thyroid blood results, if they have not been done. Calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 levels to be checked.
Keep a diary of symptoms, photographs are also helpful (so patches of eczema, if the corners of your mouth split called angular cheilitis, mouth ulcers and even stools - sounds grim but health professionals all know about the Bristol Stool chart.)
Most importantly, keep a food diary. Photos on SMART phones, give time and date. Whether you lack appetite, are starving. Difficulty swallowing, burning, gnawing pain in true stomach, regurgitation, vomiting. Whether you are full early, any bloating, any pain, any constipation or diahorrea, mixture of both. Ease of passing a motion.
See a lot of information and lots can go wrong in the gastrointestinal tract. There are upper and lower gastroenterologists, haematologists for blood, dieticians for diet.
All the best,