Having difficulties in having a balanced gluten free diet or what to cook because very scared to go to restaurants and other food outlets. How do I make a healthy gluten free diet, i have lost a lot of weight.
gluten diet: Having difficulties in... - Gluten Free Guerr...
gluten diet

The thing I found most helpful was to write out a list of meals I already knew how to make, that were already gluten free, or could easily be made gluten free. For example, a chicken curry is already gluten free, but Pasta Bolognese is very easy to adapt to make GF. I aimed to write out at least 50, becaus that's 2 months of meals easily.
When it comes to eating out, just have to ask around to find places that can accommodate you. Check out Facebook groups for the area, look up trip adviser reviews, call ahead to ask questions.
Eating at home isn’t too hard as GF ingredients are readily available. You just have to read labels. But GF flour, pasta, etc. can be substituted. Sticking with whole ingredients (fresh meats, veggies, fruits) is both healthier and naturally gluten free. Thicken sauces with corn starch instead of flour. Eating out is trickier. It helps if you can see the menu in advance. And if not, get help from the waiter or kitchen. I think I am not quite as sensitive as some so I rarely have issues eating out. I tend to stick with grilled meats, potatoes or rice (always ask if fries are cooked in shared oil), and salads/veggies or if a place has GF pasta or GF bread, those can usually modify most dishes. My favorite italian place with modify any dish for me by grilling the meat and leaving the flour out of the sauce. A little drippy, but still tastes great. You will get a sense of which restaurants are helpful and which are not. The one thing to keep watch on… soy sauce is not GF and is used in lots of steak, BBQ, asian dishes, etc. Hope this helps.