I was diagnosed with Coeliac about 18 yrs ago. I have been ok most of the time. I'm now Lactose-free. I have been told to cut my fiber down as I was having to open my bowels too often. This week I'm getting really bad gurgling in my tummy. I seem to be getting a lot of incomplete bowel problems. I'm feeling like I'm always feeling I need to poo. There is no pain or bleeding, but I am really worried about Cancer. Has anyone else had this problem? I will be pleased for advice. I will be at the doctor's when I get an appointment.
GURGLING TUMMY.: I was diagnosed with... - Gluten Free Guerr...

You’re doing the right thing, seeing the doctor.
How long ago were you told to cut down your fibre intake?
I would push for a scope (don’t know whether just colon or endo / both). You need to know what is happening and why and rule out or in any of the things that can only be seen in a procedure.
Have you done the FIT test? Whether it comes back negative or positive, I’d want to have a scope, personally. And what age are you? And have you ever had one?
There are some things you need to know in life.
I have the same problem my stomach is always gurgling no matter what I eat even first thing in the morning on an empty stomach I am also Celiac recently diagnosed. Been told it could be to do with stomach acid and given Omprazole which didn’t get any better. Just waiting for the call back from doc. I think a lot of celiacs have this problem so try not to worry too much as stress can cause this to be worse as it does in my case
Have a look into low stomach acid.
And try the home test using baking powder / bicarb (I forget which it is).
Hypochlorhydria is I think the term for it.
Similar symptoms that calls for a very different treatment, and (if you read accounts / links here) more pertinent to those with hypothyroid issues.
Hi. I had all your symptoms and still occasionally. Last year I was experiencing insane gurgling and lots of gas and becauseI’m hypochondriac I did and do doctor visits very often and of course all my checkups. I did and do have chronic gastritis so I was thinking maybe it’s because of gastrities. But after everything got worse,gurgling,gas,under rib pain,incomplete BM I had my doctor to order complete blood work again. So it turned out that my my hemoglobin,iron and ferritin levels were so low. I was very scared and asked my doctor for FIT test as well. Got a call 3 hours after FIT test with positive results. I was panicking to death,crying and thinking about colon cancer. Had both colonoscopy and endoscopy and it turned out to be celiac disease,didn’t know at that time what was that. Colon was clear and March 3A score damage to my duodenum. So to my understanding celiac is a systemic disease. It can damage basically all your body. I did have neurological symptoms as well,like tingling,ear buzzing,finger numbness and severe vitamin deficiencies which can cause lots of problems including indigestion and gurgling as well. I did sign up for celiac.com website and it is like a huge library about celiac with very educated specialist and members. I do suggest you to sign up for that website and you can get lots of help and information about your condition. I do think that you have flare ups right now,either exposed to gluten or got glutened unintentionally. Don’t worry,gurgling and frequent BM one of the main symptoms of celiac disease and IBS as well. I was taking antidepressant and it helped me a lot to get control over my fears and symptoms but decided to quit that and again I do have frequent BM. I do take B12 and Bcomplex,magnesium, vitamin D3 and iron pills and believe should take them for a long time. Celiac depleted all of the deposits of vitamins in my body and tissues and since GF products is not fortified with vitamins we all need to take vitamins for a long period of time . Wish you lots of health
I am having v similar symptoms to you.
And am ferritin deficient.
I don’t think it takes a hypochondriac to look for and need adequate medical answers / treatment. Please don’t put yourself down. If you are a hypochondriac then (from what I read in your post here) everyone here is one too, in which case you a) find yourself in good company or b) were completely within your rights to get tested!
Tank you SabaAK. I feel a little better since I read your post. Like you I worry about health problems.
Hi benmaise
Glad to hear that you are getting an appointment with a doctor.
My gurgling tummy and constipation, rather than diarrhoea, was diagnosed as IBS after a scope that ruled out anything else.
Although we are told to eat a lot of fibre it didn’t suit me. I’ve found that following a particular diet called the Low Fodmaps diet has helped. If you are diagnosed with IBS it can be helpful, whether you have constipation or diarrhoea.
Hi. You do right to get checked by doctor, and maybe referral to the gastroenterologist? There are many things that can affect the gut. And coeliac could be linked. Unless cooking everything from scratch products are always tweaking ingredients and changing (improving?) recipes. Might be there’s something in your diet you’ve become sensitive to?
I have a noisy gurgling tummy a lot/sometimes. Usually precedes the diarrhoea. I had a fit test earlier this year. ( Stool samples. )
As Penel said, Low fodmaps foods might be helpful if you’ve not tried that. Monash University low fodmap diet if you search for it - ideally a dietitian would help you with this though.
I am 78 and have celiac too but you might want to have a colonoscopy to look for microscopic colitis. They often happen together. And it might be helpful to read about the two kinds of fiber. Insoluble and Soluble. Insoluble fiber can be a cause of diarrhea but also be good for breaking up constipation. Soluble fiber is recommended for people with IBS-D. It is supposed to help form less watery stools. Just don't start worrying about cancer yet. I have had all sorts of problems with diarrhea and gut pain and noises and have celiac and microscopic colitis and a few others. They are just unsolved mysteries but not necessarily cancer. Oh, you could have a hiatal hernia also which makes things more complicated. Go to a good GI who listens. Good luck.
it could be low stomach acid, I used to supplement with organic apple cider vinegar three times a day before meals in water. I also only get stomach gurgling now if I’ve had some source of hidden gluten so double check all your food and personal care products.