Hi..I’ve been on strict gluten-free diet since December and so have on and off situations. I see improvement. My iron level and vitamin deficiencies got improved a little bit. I used to have light tingling in my right hand before the diagnose and B12 shots helped me a lot. I’ve never had crazy GI symptoms and those are better now. But it’s been 1 week since I developed pins and needles in my toes and fingertips. Kind of scared of brain tumor or MS. Also I do take SSRI, Lexapro,not sure if that can cause tingling as well.Does anyone else have those tingling situation while on gluten-free diet?thank you Saba
Pins and needles..: Hi..I’ve been on... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Pins and needles..
Get the pins and needles checked out by a doctor. Eating gluten-free shouldn’t cause something like that.
By the Sounds of it you need to join the Pernicous anemia forum. (B12 Deficiency forum).
My B12 was still in low normal level,but I’m taking B12 vitamins,will start B complex as well.
You will get alot of good advice from the P.A. forum.Believe me when I say with B12 deficiency you can become seriously I'll if not treated properly.
Hence Pernicious (Deadly) .
My thoughts exactly.
Thank you so much. I did joined that society and was advised to use B12 either shots or supplements a lot,because gluten free diet is missing lots of vitamins and you still maybe nutritions deficient which is make sense. And my diet is mostly carbs and fats plus not taking supplements everyday that will cause tingling even on gluten free diet
I’m going to change my doctor, cause obviously the current one doesn’t care about my concerns.
Hi Saba82. Sorry to hear your having symptoms.Is it peripheral neuropathy? I agree with Narwhal10 you may need B12 injections if supplements aren’t working for you. But not just B12 deficiency causes it. Are you supplementing or eating foods high in vitamin B1 Thiamine? And have you had your blood glucose checked recently? They are linked to symptoms you describe also. Coeliac disease can hinder absorption of B1 (Thiamine) too, and or too many carbohydrates in diet can deplete vitamin B1.
I was just reading about this and Dr Berg on YouTube has a good video on it.
Hello. Thank you:). I’ve just started B complex with high dose of B1 and I feel better. My ferritin level still is very low and ferritin is an iron deposit which I have in very little amount. It got better but still low . Last year when I was diagnosed with celiac disease it was 3 now it’s 12. My glucose level is normal.
Glad hopefully continues to improve.Can sympathise re low iron, it takes months to build up stores. 12 is very low still for you. My ferritin test was 20. The fatigue and brain fog have gotten better for me since taking a liquid iron in higher medicine dose. I took tablets for ages but they weren’t high enough. Slowly but surely progress in the right direction. Keep going you’ll get there.
Good article on Thiamine B1 from Harvard. Mentions deficiency in Coeliac disease. hsph.harvard.edu/nutritions...
Just to reiterate Dr Berg on YouTube has a lot of videos on it!