what is the best oil to use for cooking..i been using rapeseed oil..can make me dodgy..
glutin free: what is the best oil to... - Gluten Free Guerr...
glutin free
Hi AnnieB, I use EV Olive oil and thats a nice healthy cooking oil. My body doesnt like a lot of oils either.
Hi annniebear77,
I switched to using avocado oil about a year ago. It’s very pricey but good.
As a long standing veggie, lard and other animal based fats weren’t a viable option for me (and I’m also dairy intolerant - so no butter or ghee either).
Like you, I was looking for an alternative frying oil for health reasons. My understanding is that unlike a lot of other oils, avocado oil can cope with the high temperatures required for frying and baking (i.e. up to 230*C), without breaking down chemically into less desirable/less healthy compounds. Btw, Sainsburys often stock a 250ml sized bottle, however it works out more economical if bulk ordered from Amazon - I buy two litres at a time.
I did also try frying with coconut oil, but whilst I love coconut (I get through an eye watering amount of coconut milk every week!) I couldn’t get on with the flavour when using it for this purpose - eg. coconut flavoured fried eggs, were just odd...! Fine for some curry’s though.
I use coconut oil (on advice of dietician). Olive and seed oils are great cold, but they change when heated and can actually become quite unhealthy at high temperature, so something like coconut oil better under heat. General veg oil better than olive at high temperature also. Dietician also recommended cooking with lard, but can't quite bring myself to go there...
had some dried banana cocoanut and a few grapes...could not resist omg the pain in my lower back pelvic regian and anus was horrific like a bunch of needles inside me..i had had some almonds also..why this crippling pain?plus i could hardley breath