I’m hoping someone can help me with a diagnosis conundrum. My friend’s 16 year old daughter tested positive for the Coeliac Disease antibodies EMA and tTG (photo attached). She’s just had the endoscopy done and the doctor apparently said he couldn’t see any sign of CD. Biopsy results won’t be available for 8 weeks though. Can you have antibodies and no CD? What does this mean? She’s been having vague symptoms for about a year, feeling sick when she eats and fatigue. Thank you!
Diagnosis Query: I’m hoping someone can... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Diagnosis Query

Sometimes damage may only be seen under a microscope. I think it’s going to be a question of waiting on the biopsy results.
Hope she feels better soon.
hi there, I was told they couldn't see anything abnormal during the endoscopy but the lab results showed severe damage and a definite positive coeliac diagnosis (like your friends daughter it was many weeks later). I'm really not sure why sometimes they seem to be able to see the damage during endoscopy but not others.
It's pretty unlikely that she won't have CD with that ttg level I'm afraid.
I do feel for youngsters going through it - tough.
Good luck for her X

Thank you. I guess they’re just going to have to wait and see.
Rather than wait try excluding certain foods from her diet to see what effect that has.
I just spoke to her mum and apparently the consultant has now said not to eat gluten so 🤷🏻♀️. Mixed messages.
When I was a teenager, I tested positive for CD but when I had the endoscope, it wasn’t present. I got told by the doctor that although it is not present yet, I will go on to develop it at some point. I’m 25 now and have been unwell for a long time. I’ve recently been hospitalised and my belerubin levels are high and I had inflammation in my scan. My liver function is also often high. I’m being tested again for coeliac this Thursday. Apparently sometimes it shows in the blood but not on the biopsies and sometimes not in the blood but through biopsies. I’ve known people that have taken a real long time to be diagnosed. I have to be on a gluten binge until Thursday (painful) but all I can suggest is, if your friends daughter is still experiencing problems, to try a gluten free diet and see if her health improves.
Hope this helps!