I have CD along with other intolerances. My son is anaphylactic to peanuts.
Before we went to Greece on holiday, I ordered travel cards from yellowcross.co.uk. They came with an English explanation on one side and Greek translation on the other. They also supply emergency cards that state what the problem is and that you need help etc.
Last Saturday night the unthinkable happened . . . my 9 year old had an anaphylatic reaction! We gave him his Epi-pen and were able to get a taxi to hospital. When we arrived at the Greek A&E department I was simply able to hand over the emergency card, within 30 seconds they completely understood what had happened and we were whisked through for treatment.
I appreciate that with CD we are not at risk of immediate death, but I can't help but think how useful those cards were and can not recommend them enough to anyone who is travelling abroad.