Hello all. Has anyone had a bad reaction to pro-biotics? I am recently diagnosed and feeling much better after going GF. So I thought I'd try some pro-biotic tablets and maybe feel even better. Complete opposite! I have been on the toilet for 4 days, never had gastro symptoms with my coeliac, just super tired and grumpy. Any tips/thoughts?
Pro-biotics?: Hello all. Has anyone had... - Gluten Free Guerr...
I make my own as in water kefir, I know you have to be careful at first because your body might not like it too much!! I’ve heard that they can upset your stomach. It’s possibly the brand you have used that dosnt agree with you. With the water kefir you can just drink a small amount each day to start with and I now have half a glass each day and I’ve been just fine. I did buy some probiotics initially but they’re still in my fridge because I’d read they can sometimes upset your stomach!!! I have Crohn’s disease too and that’s the last thing wanted!! Hope you feel better soon.
What is your level of sensitivity? Have you checked the origin of the ingredients in the tablets, I react to ingredients from a wheat origin.
Hi Emmylou
It may be that the supplements were just too much for your system to handle at the moment.
If you want to improve your gut health, you could try slowly increasing your vegetable / fibre intake. Go for pre-biotic foods like leeks, onions, garlic, green bananas, high fibre foods like oats, if you can tolerate them. Natural live-culture yoghurt are probiotic if you can cope with dairy.
I take probiotics practically every day, capsules you keep in the fridge. Don't overdose. I feel better when I take them and they really make a difference with wind, digestion and smell at the other end! I get H&B now, but take care as some of them do have an ingredient you wouldn't want. I can't do yoghurt and I have to go cautiously on high fibre foods, so these work well.
Possibly all the bad stuff getting washed out ???