Does anyone's lymph nodes swell up after consuming gluten ? Under neck ? Under arms ? Etc....
Lymp nodes : Does anyone's lymph nodes... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Lymp nodes
Hi Vanesa, mine do and according to my gut specialist it shows that I usually avoid all gluten as I have such a bad reaction to it, so you're not alone.
I had a bad glutening last summer and since then, my nodes have been up under neck and I have an enlarged one under arm. Have had tests for thyroid etc - all clear, plus an ultrasound and mammograms and again, all clear. Have been quite worried but now the neck has settled down and the armpit not so big so I no longer think about it. It certainly started after the glutening though.
It's so annoying I thought I had HIV lol since that's a symptom but I tested negative for that I've never been to a gut doctor since I don't have insurance but I literally cannot eat anything! It's so annoying but when I just eat jellos smoothies vegetables I feel like myself then if I eat any type of junk food I get bloated like a pregnant person get puffy face red rash in face it's the most disturbing thing in life !!
My lymph nodes are fine and I cannot have any gluten at all. I get bloated, depressed, stomach cramps, diarrhoea or constipation, and/or skin rash but surprisingly my lymph nodes are clear.