Lymphocyte count also abnormal at 1.2 doctor said no further investigation are they right I thought this may indicate something is going on? Any advice please?
Lymphocyte count result: Lymphocyte... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Lymphocyte count result

Hi there, I'm a bit out of my depth here but a lymphocyte count of 1.2 when normal is 1.3-3.5 is only 6.5% under the normal range and what is normal for you. So I would go with your Dr on this as to me abnormal is way off scale not well within 10%.
Sometimes I think these tests worry us instead of reassuring us so here's all about understanding blood counts:
It might be worth asking for another test in 6 months and are you taking any meds that could be lowering your lymphocyte count. Also by eating a low fat diet packed with protein can boost it so can natural live yoghurt and dried apricots are very good at this.
So this is my 2p's worth.
There seem to be several possible reasons for a low lymphocyte count. My husband had a lowish count after treatment with radiotherapy, some medication can do the same. A low body weight can also affect your lymphocyte count.
It's only one measure of health. As Jerry has said, eat good quality protein and lots of brightly coloured veg. It's also probably a good idea to avoid contact with anyone with an illness while your resistance is a bit low.