Hello everyone
We are just back from a rather disappointing first hospital visit with a paediatrician for my 10-year-old daughter. She doesn't have the typical presentation of a child with coeliac as in fact she has been persistently overweight ever since she was a small child despite many attempts to get her weight under control. She has never really had normal 'poo' but has diarrhoea about three times a day. Our GP requested that she be tested for coeliac as I myself have Sjogrens Syndrome (there is a strong correlation apparently between the two conditions and I have a problem with eating wheat in particular and have been advised by own consultant to be gluten free). When the test came back she had a level of 462 on the TTG test which I understand is high?
The doctor didn't seem to think she would be coeliac as she doesn't have other symptoms but has requested a gene test be done for DQ2 and DQ8 and for endomycial antibody. She did say that my daughter would then have to have a biopsy done but I thought there was a general move away from doing this for children?
She is still eating gluten for now and will do until we can get all this sorted out. I am feeling quite glum about the whole situation as I've obviously passed on the autoimmune problems to her (although I know I have no control over this now) but I don't want my little one to have to face all the diagnostic struggles that I have had to face over the years.
Any thoughts or advice at this stage please would be very welcome