I had my dietician annual review yesterday and my dietician mentioned my prescription should be 8 units however all the information on coeliac uk/glutifin/juvela etc says my allowance used be 14 units- can anyone shed any light on this?
prescription issues: I had my dietician... - Gluten Free Guerr...
prescription issues

You could leave a message for the dietician to confirm this as for your age you believe you should have a different allowance. If she still says the same ask why.
Yep, I can shed light on it.
Coeliac UK recommend 14 units. What actually is given out varies from area to area.
In some areas the allowance is zero due to NHS cutbacks. If you have 8 units allocated, you're actually not doing too bad! Postcode lottery in action again...
To be honest, supermarket provision and prices have improved so much in the last couple of years, you may find you have a better choice there instead.
Hi Kate, I would avoid all Gluten and probably all grains too even if gluten free.
I'd also recommend you look at a proper gut health test. If you work with a skilled functional medicine practitioner or naturopath they will be able to help you if you go for a private gut health test. CDSA is one of the most popular gut health tests. Genova Diagnostics are one of the main exponent of this. If you're after a gut health specialist I could recommend one for you, just PM if you do.
Good luck
Fraid so. Some areas have had their prescriptions culled altogether - areas in Somerset. Some areas in Yorkshire are down to 8. There is info somewhere but it is changing as the Prescription Authorities meet. We've been chatting on here about this about sometime this month - look back through the other threads.