Hi , I am back on a gluten free diet and can't remember if it's ok to have GF porridge or not. When I went GF last year the dietician advised me to stay off it but I really would like to have it as a breakfast option x
Gluten free porridge - when is it saf... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Gluten free porridge - when is it safe to try it?
try it and see...if it is GF then should not do any damage...but if you react, then you'll have to cut it out again...just to keep from having the symptoms
The advice on including oats in a GF diet is to exclude all oats initially after diagnosis, so the patient can become symptom free and achieve a 'baseline of wellness', and then to gradually re-introduce pure, uncontaminated oats at a later stage. The British Society of Gastroenterology recommends that it may be helpful to exclude oats in the first six to twelve months of a gluten-free diet before re-introduction. This is because oats contain a protein called avenin, which is similar to gluten and many of us react to it in the same way as we react to gluten. I hope this helps. So if you are starting again then perhaps you should wait a while then try them and see.
If you are coeliac and trial oats you may well damage your villi. Is it worth the risk? In Australia the Coeliac Society do not recommend oats as being included in our diet.
I think I will stay off them for the next 6 months then and then reconsider. And Roscoe its not worth damaging my villi any more. Is there any other cholesterol absorbing cereal that you can think of?

If you want to lower your cholesterol you need to lower your carbohydrate intake generally. Increasing your soluble fibre intake can help as well.
You could consider Quinoa. It's not a grain. It's actually a protein and you can make some interesting GF breakfasts from it instead.
Maybe worth considering. The best way to lower Cholesterol is not thru grains but through eating the right fats and eating plenty of veg that will help to naturally lower it. If yours is very high the Dr should monitor it and test you to rule out other auto-immune diseases linked with it. Also but a pedometer and walk 10,000 steps a day. That is good simple exercise and will help reduce your Cholesterol though light exercise.
Thanks for your replies. It's been a really difficult year , diagnosed with coeliac then told its not coeliac and go back to normal diet then really unwell again and endoscopy biopsy showed gluten sensitive enteropathy so off the gluten again ! I wish I had just stayed off the gluten. I now find that I can't remember all that the dietician told me so I feel like I am starting from scratch ! My family have a history of high cholesterol , mine is 5.5 at the moment but I don't want it to get any higher.
Hi Busby. The jury is still out re high cholesterol and medical treatment. Statins which are the common script have so many side effects. I personally use a product called metamucil which is psyllium husk powder to help my cholesterol. I certainly do not enjoy breakfast cereals and find it a battle to keep eating it.
Good morning Roscoe,where can I buy Metamucil from? I don't mind trying anything to improve my health. I find it quite difficult to change so many things at the same time! So thank you I appreciate the advice. Some things don't change though, and my dogs are whining to go out for their walk now!
Try a google search. I am in Australia.
I tried gf oats two and a half years after diagnosis and got three nasty facial rashes for my trouble. Quinoa is a staple of Peru its price has sky rocketed since becoming a super-food locals now can't afford it.