I am a little concerned as my son's coeliac levels have been raised the last 2 times he had them tested. His gastro has said he saw no signs of damage from coeliac disease during his endoscopy and colonoscopy. He already has ibd and psc. He does also have keratosis pilaris which some people say is a symptom of coeliac disease.
Gluten sensitivity is in the family. My mum's diabetologist and dietitian think she is coeliac as since going gluten free she has come off morphine which she had been on for many years. The gp refuses to agree as she has many madcap problems but her dietitian said to assume she is and avoid gluten (she avoids wheat only). I have absorption problems so have gone gluten free and noticed my ME/CFS crashes are not as bad as they were. My eldest has a coeliac gf so is gluten free when with her but has a normal diet at home and ends up feeling ill. His gp feels he has probably got a gluten sensitivity.
With the family history and my youngest's blood results I am concerned he may be coeliac. His gastro is happy to keep checking his bloods (he is currently on 3 monthly appts). Should I be concerned nothing is being done now? Can bloods be raised but not be coeliac? Should we be waiting for signs of damage before diagnosis or are bloods sufficient?
The gastro is great and does listen to our concerns (though hubby takes him to gastro and will not advocate like I will). I an still cautious as my mum, myself and my eldest have had bad treatment by health professionals so I do not lay all my faith in them.