My blood pressure is usually around 110/65 always has been but I've noticed since I have had symptoms from gluten it gets lower,when I walk upstairs my heart thumps and if if I get up quick. Anyone else have similar.
Low blood pressure: My blood pressure... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Low blood pressure

I've always had low BP, and the symptoms you describe are quite common, although I'm not aware of them being related to gluten.
Unfortunately as you get older, as in my case, the symptoms can get worse. You just have to be aware of them, adjust your behaviour, and make sure to stay hydrated, which seems to help. I have to be particularly careful after exercise.
If you are worried, go and talk to your doctor, or check on the NHS site.
Try increasing salt as well as fluids - take a look at the STARS website
Hi Jan
Thank you for the reply, I hadn't come across the STARS website before. I don't seem to have any of the complications mentioned.
My GP tells me my BP is 'healthy low'.
I must admit to not following government guidelines on food, we went back to using things like butter and crunchy sea salt some years ago.
My BP hovvers around 100/60 and i'm strict GF but also have adrenal fatigue, and this is a symptom for me of that.
It may be a another symptom of something else?
Hi feelingletdown I have also always had low blood pressure, I havent had the symptoms you mention when I have had gluten, perhaps like Penel has said you need to mention it to your GP.
I just wanted to say I have a book on my ipod, it was only a pound or two from Itunes it is
The audio version of the book is the doctor talking at a symposium and he says that coeliacs do have low blood pressure and also low cholesterol in general, that when we go for those tests the doctor will say we are very healthy. He also says that we are susceptible to meningitis and pneumonia, but not viruses.
Sorry couldn't help with your problem but just thought I would mention that according to the doctor who I believe is an expert in the field low blood pressure is linked to CD
How interesting as I have low blood pressure too. Sometimes it is very low 80/45. Nobody seems concerned about it. I don't get dizzy and all the blood tests are negative. We have a blood pressure monitor as my husband has to keep a check on his and our results synchronise with the readings at our doctors practice.
Thanks for this information.
I'm sure somewhere online will tell you how to get your husband to test you for PoTS if you've already got a monitor - maybe the STARS website ?
Also check yourself for hyoermobility on the Beighton Scale - the pictures are online
Thanks for the advice Jan but I don't have any of those symptoms for POTS or hypermobility and have always had low blood pressure. Everything has been checked out by the dox as I said. I am pretty active swimming and cycling without any ill effects. Dox say nothing to do with the exercise probably genetic. Like others have said it is not a bad thing as long as everything else is in working order which as far as I know it is. But I am curious about the link with CD and low blood pressure. This may explain something.
Hi Urbangirl yes my low blood pressure has always been looked at a good thing by the doctors, although once a nurse who was taking mine asked me to wait to have a doctor look at it as i might need to be on medication, the GP took it again and said it was fine.
My dad always had a low BP and lived to over 101 so if you dont have other probs then relax about it.
Low BP can be postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS) which may be underlying EDS/JHS - try increasing both salt and water consumption to increase blood volume and symptoms may disappear
With underlying conditions like this the concentration of blood to the stomach to digest things it finds difficult may result in less blood to other parts of the body and therefore symptoms of dizziness, tiredness, high heart rate, etc
Look on the STARS website for more info
I've found several people recently concerned about low BP & dizziness which be a symptom of PoTS - this can also contribute to fatigue sometimes misdiagnosed as ME/CFS
The government encourages us to reduce salt but some of us need it.
Increasing salt & water can solve or reduce symptoms of low BP.
The best info about PoTS is via STARS
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