Hi has anyone been to the allergy and free from shows before ? I was going to take my daughter to Liverpool on Sunday . I thought it might do her good seeing different ideas and being among other coeliacs etc . Its 2 1/2 hour drive so basically does anyone no if it's worth it please .
Allergy and free from .: Hi has anyone... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Allergy and free from .

Hello alwaysnackered I will say ive never been to that one but have been to the one in london for the last 2 years running it is most definately worth it make sure u take some money with u tho coz if your anything like me u will prob want to buy everything u see its basically aload of stalls that sell their products at such a great price they give out tasters and u learn so much more about new products coming out which is useful im gluten and lactose intolerant with ibs so yer really helped me enjoy let me no if u do end up goin if u enjoy it its most definately worth it tho
Sam x

Thanks Sam that's all I need to no , we will be going if it's as you say . My daughter just diagnosed coeliac and needs something like this to cheer her up , I was worried it would be a flop .. I'll let you no xx
Put it this way ur daughter will go wow she wil find so much and want to buy it have fun there no its not its definately worth it i just didnt realise how many people have intolerances cealiac before they went i was like wow it was rammo klkl xx
I go every year to London and take my boyfriend and mum because I need help bringing home all the stuff I buy!
It'll be really encouraging for her (and you) to see how much is out there that you didnt know about. I found out about websites I didn't know, like goodness direct. Definitely go, have a great time
I go to the one in London, and it's well worth it. always come back with loads of stuff as it's often heavily reduced in price.
There's also loads of nibbles to test, so you won't go hungry.
Check out the wheat free bakery online as well if your daughter is newly diagnosed.
Thanks very much guys we are going Sunday I'll let you no xx
I have been to the Liverpool one twice now and it is definitely worth it. The parking good too..
Hello Just to say I went to Liverpool on Sunday . Thankyou for advising me to go , my daughter definitely felt better seeing so many others like herself . The giveaway stuff was brilliant we had to go back to the car once . Gluten free chips on sale was a plus for her . The best was Alergy Adventurers the girls mother was lovely and spent a while talking to my daughter. I really recommend them for younger people .
Nairns oats have a massive selection aswell 5 items for £5 . Usually there oatcakes are a rip off but I happily got a few months supply . One regret is I never went back to the Voakes pie stall I wouldn't have minded testing the pie pastry .
Might go to Glasgow in March weather permitting x