just curious web surfing can be damn confusing and contradictory. If someone on here has it, how did you know and what were your symptoms. Any feedback would help right now thx
what are symptoms of leaky gut? - Gluten Free Guerr...
what are symptoms of leaky gut?

Do you have Hashimotos ? - or any gut disorder ? Leaky Gut Syndrome is when certain molecules - eg gluten - adhere to the very thin gut wall - create inflammation - which compromises the gut wall - and the molecules can slip through. The immune system is then on red alert seeing them as invaders and then starts to attack parts of the body.... eg the thyroid as in Hashimotos....
Am sure others will be along to explain things in a more medical way
It's a bit chicken and egg I think - you don't necessarily know you have it until you give up gluten and feel better afterwards. I gave up gluten because of its association with autoimmune conditions - hoping to avoid getting further illnesses after I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I used to have quite frequent bouts of diarrhoea, bloating and stomach pain, and that all improved very much without gluten in my diet. Also without the inflammation caused by gluten I believe I now absorb my medication much better, and certainly my health has improved a lot, to the point where most of the time I feel like my old self again. I'm not medically qualified to say this, but I believe the main symptom of leaky gut is the inflammation and resulting poor absorption. Hope this helps.
If you do have symptoms as mentioned below then there are tests available to check for leaky gut....not on the nhs though. Have a look at a website pure health clinic run by Micki Rose, there is loads of info on there and you can have access to tests if you need them, just look under the shop & tests are listed. However, please read all the useful info on there first & on her related websites truly gluten free, so that you can help establish if it is the right thing for you & it may help you to decide what issue you may have. Good luck
my very leaky guts were caused by my celiacs being undiagnosed for so many years. if you have an intestinal disaease and you do damage to the walls of your intestine all different kinds of food particles will leak out into your body in places food is not supposed to be. you can get terrible itchies and rashes , rotten farts & burps, bloating, constipation/diahrea ,headaches joint pain etc etc etc. the food that cause problems for one person will be different for another. and as your body starts to heal over time you may be able to put those things back in. but first thing s first you must find out what is causing the damage and permanently stop eating those things. for example a celiac cant eat gluten or dairy permanently. but the other foods that cause problems may differ from person to person and may not be permanent offenders.
Have a look at Paleomom site for a lot of information. Gluten seems to be strongly associated with leaky gut or intestinal permeability. Other possible problem foods are dairy and legumes.
This is a fairly technical article on intestinal permeability, which I hope may be useful.
What makes you think you may have leaky gut?