Hi all, I know that everyone's symptoms when they are glutened vary considerably but can anyone tell me please if they experience extreme lethargy and high temperature and reluctance to eat as symptoms of being glutened? My 3 year old is going through this right now and I'm not sure whethere she's eaten something she shouldnt (but it's possible) or whether she just has a fever! Many thanks indeed! X
Symptoms of being glistened - Gluten Free Guerr...
Symptoms of being glistened

I don't tend to get a high temp. I would get her to the GP
I dont get a temp either but i do get very cold and very tired, i also get really bad Diarreah followed by itching all over then i come out in what look like bites that itch like crazy and last about a month, when the itching stops, i am left with a purple bruise type of thing for ages and ages after, this is a new sympton for me though its only started 3 months ago? i would agree with Mia1057 take your little oneto the doctors with a temp, good luck.
Paula x

Hello Mummyof3 - this reply is for you regarding your itching and blisters. I am not a doctor but I suffer from Dermatitis Herpetiformis which is a sympton (not everyone gets this) of CD. I am currently waiting to go to the dermatology unit at the hospital. My blood tests confirmed DH and I agree it is extremely itchy, very painful and leaves a nasty bruise which is not very attractive! Your doc should be able to give you some steroid cream to put on and I have had antibiotics also. Good Luck
Hello zoombie, thankyou so much for your reply, i have been GF for almost 6 months, and this has just started, as i am classed as gluten intolerant rather than coeliac, do you think its normal to develop this after going GF? Also, on my left elbow is a horrible brown scaly patch that my doctor says is bursitus but even after pencicillian it has not gone away, do you think this could be related?
thanks again
Paula x

Bursitis? I always thought that was an inflammation of the bursas which cushion your joints! I get that on my hips as I have two artificial ones! Mmmm! From what you say I would go back and ask for a blood test for DH - go when you got blisters. According to my consultant, I have always been a coeliac but have never eaten much bread etc anyway and I don't know what started the DH in March this year but if you have DH you have CD! I have the blisters (some healing) on my knees, elbows (both bandaged as it looks so grim), both sides of my shoulders and also my butt!!! Have a look at About.com web site for DH this is a very informative site. Good Luck x

Hi Mummyof 3 - this sounds like Dermatitis Herpetiformis, which is what I have. I would go back to your gp and discuss this. I was put on Dapsone for about 2 months (but by then I had already been gluten free for 5 months so the itching had already greatly reduced, as had the eruption of little blisters). This also helped A LOT. I then developed other reactions so gradually came off the Dapsone and feel I don't need it now. The consultant said that if the itching etc ever came back I could always take the Dapsone again. Hope this helps, good luck!
Hi Lexy, thank you for your reply i have an appointment with my dietician on friday im going to mention it to her and hopefully she will be able to tell me if she thinks it is DH or not?
The itching on my ankle is so bad that i have scratched it in the night and made it bleed but it now not only itches but it hurts! and its quite swollen alround it, i have tried evry normal cream anti histamines these do nothing at all?
thanks again for your reply.
Paula x
If glutened badly I get a temperature and my lymph glands swell up I also have to wait until it's out of my system before I eat anything as I also get sickness with the runs. I told my gastro this and he said that shows that I normally stick to my diet.
I also agree with the others and would take your Daughter to the Dr's just to make sure as she is young and you don't want her running a high temperature longer than need be.
I hope that she feels better soon.
None of my Celiac kids had fevers after being glutened but some parents in our group mentioned their kids have had a fever. Perhaps keeping a food diary along with the below guidance can help in making a determination. Remembering that Celiac Disease is not a allergy but more of a sensitivity that can mimic an allergy.
Some children develop fevers after eating certain foods.
* A child with an allergy experiences symptoms as soon as the food enters her body.
* Sensitivities, however, often cause delayed reactions a few minutes or several hours after a child eats a particular food. Food sensitivities are caused by an abnormal immune response to a particular food item and can temporarily raise body temperature.
Carefully monitor your child's food intake and keep a food journal. If your child only develops a fever after eating certain foods, she may have a food sensitivity.
Consult your pediatrician if your child regularly develops fevers to ensure she is not suffering from a serious illness.
None of my Celiac kids had fevers after being glutened but some parents in our group mentioned their kids have had a fever. Perhaps keeping a food diary along with the below guidance can help in making a determination. Remembering that Celiac Disease is not a allergy but more of a sensitivity that can mimic an allergy.
Some children develop fevers after eating certain foods.
* A child with an allergy experiences symptoms as soon as the food enters her body.
* Sensitivities, however, often cause delayed reactions a few minutes or several hours after a child eats a particular food. Food sensitivities are caused by an abnormal immune response to a particular food item and can temporarily raise body temperature.
Carefully monitor your child's food intake and keep a food journal. If your child only develops a fever after eating certain foods, she may have a food sensitivity.
Consult your pediatrician if your child regularly develops fevers to ensure she is not suffering from a serious illness.
Generally speaking, coeliac disease does not cause fevers (although all individuals may get different responses to gluten as it is apparent that it can affect more than just the gut, so certainly not impossible).
Fever could also be caused by a number of other things, but one possibility could be an issue with thyroid as thyroiditis can cause temperatures and there are other autoimmune illnesses linked to gluten sensitivity which can cause thyroiditis.
Whatever happens you need to get your child to the doc - too hard to say from symptoms you have described and may need further tests, but you should treat it reasonably seriously.
Hi Meanioni, the reason that some coeliac like me get a fever is the gluten attacks our lymphatic system, my gastro told me this. And thanks for you kind comments on the other question. You have a lot more insight into the medical side of things than me as I'm more into the food and nutrition side which's why we all compliment one another. So I thought I'd comment on the lymph glad connection there's a lot about it on Celiac.com.
I get a temp and also come out in a cold sweat and get shivvers if i acidently intake gluten. I was diagnosed around 3 yrs ago and ive noticed the way i react has changed dramatically over the years. Where as i used to react straight away my body seems a bit more sluggish and sometimes it can be days before i feel any effects. Making it difficlut to pin point what may have caused the reaction.
I agree take your child to the drs to be sure. But also be aware that the way they react may change like they have with me. Good luck x
Hi Elisesmummy - I always get nightsweats when I've been glutened, I mean like I'm pouring out sweat and my nightclothes get all damp, not nice. I also get extreme tiredness, and lethargy. It also affects my mood, get short-tempered, sometimes anxious/depressed. Eating is most definitely NOT interesting, so yes I guess you could say I'd be reluctant to eat. Also get gassy stomach and painful/irregular bowel habits (too much info, sorry!). And as I mentioned in an earlier reply above, I get the itchy blistery skin eruptions...but then I've been diagnosed with Dermatitis Herpetiformis, the skin variant of coeliac. I hope you find some relief for your daughter.