I was diagnosed after an endoscopy two months ago and the dr said my intestines were severely damaged. I've been gluten free for the last two months. I have been eating free from foods as I'm not a fan of processed food anyway and can see from reading here there is a fair amount of controversy regarding ingredients. I'm also not eating oats.
However, my tummy still really isn't right and at times is worse. I've yet to have my dietitians appointment.
I'm thinking I've two next courses of action. I could change my wooden cooking utensils or get myself a separate chopping board or butter which I haven't done so far. I am careful re crumbs but they may well sneak in The other thing I thought of was the lactose issue. Should I cut this out and see what happens?
Which would people recommend trying first or is it worth doing them together? Or, are there other courses of action people could recommend?
The tummy issues aren't painful but I would like to see an impact from all my denial!! Thank you!`1