I may have missed earlier discussions on this but I was wondering how many of you - if any - out there find you have issues with yeast/yeast extract once you realise you have gluten problems and then cut out gluten? In my case, I have Dermatitis Herpetiformis and feel and see reactions very soon after ingestion, it seems to be limited to foods with yeast extract (often as a flavouring in crisps, stocks, pates etc) as I do not react to a dram or two of single malt whisky nor to up to 2 glasses of red or white wine. Although I bake cakes, muffins, cookies etc I have yet to try baking gf bread so I've not tried baking with yeast - I wonder whether that would pose a problem? However the DS Ciabatta rolls which I eat do not cause a reaction. Would be interested to hear what others have to say, thanks!
gluten intolerance and yeast sensitiv... - Gluten Free Guerr...
gluten intolerance and yeast sensitivity?

I am sensitive to both yeast and gluten. Certainly the yeast in bread and yeast extract usually gives me a reaction. I haven't had any in a while.
More by accident than design, I had been virtually yeast free during the first year of my GF diet, so I didn't spot the yeast problem until about two years in.
I think the yeast used in brewing is slightly different - it's a different strain. I can drink cider okay (apart from the alcohol, which sometimes causes me some issues).
Thanks for your reply poing - I am wondering if this is yet another item of a seemingly continually growing long list of things my body doesn't seem to tolerate... I'm finding it hard to understand that I could spend 40+ years eating and drinking just about anything without a single known intolerance developing and yet now more and more things seem to cause reactions. All of this has come about since I cut out gluten. I note that yeast is an ingredient in the DS ciabatta rolls I sometimes use and to date I have had no adverse reaction after eating them. So it seems to be yeast extract in particular that causes problems for me. Odd. I too seem to tolerate cider and vinegar as well which you would think I wouldn't...
I think it's a reflection of the fact that my digestion stopped working properly.
Like you, I ate these things for 40 odd years without any apparent problem... although I wonder how long I did have a problem for, because I've had episodes of extreme tiredness for a large part of my adult life and it's only now I'm older and my system is less robust that I can't deal with it any more.
Hi Lexy,
Yeast isn't one of my intolerances...yet! However since going gluten-free I have also worked out I have a problem with dairy, soya and probably peanuts as well. The list does seem to keep growing doesn't it!
Good luck figuring out the yeast issue.
Hi Regalbirdy, wow! Peanuts! That would really annoy me as I do rely on natural peanutbutter (no sugar, salt or palm oil) and I eat handfuls of all sorts of nuts through the day...I too avoid soya as far as I can although soy lecithin (which I'm not sure is the same?) seems to be in a lot of things... So far dairy seems ok, fingers crossed that doesn't change, although I stick to hard cheeses and avoid the blues and even the bries as well...
Hi Lexy
I have problems with yeast and other 'mould' type foods, like mushrooms. Xanthan gum is really bad . Like Poing I think it reflects having a damaged gut. I've given up eating any bread, but thankfully I'm ok with a small glass of wine.
Thanks for your reply Penel - so far I don't seem to have any bother with mushrooms, but I have noticed reactions to eating blue/Stilton cheese and even brie/camembert so tend to avoid (although it's hard as I really do like my cheese!). Like you I avoid xanthan gum like the plague! Although it is in most toothpastes and this doesn't seem to cause a reaction. This is part of what makes it so confusing: sometimes it seems my body copes ok with exposure, and other times it just goes into full-blown reaction mode...
Going back to your question my understanding is that yeast extract is a by-product of the brewing industry and comes with other substances such as barley remnants. However, yeast used for the baking industry is specifically grown for breadmaking and is 'clean'. That may explain why the DS bread is ok for.
To put things in a different aspect I was first diagnosed in 1955 then undiagnosed in 1962 and carried on normal living, anything and everything. Between 1962 & 2007 I did have the odd yeast infections. In 2007 I was again diagnosed as a coeliac and had a Professor confirm this in 2011. I have a rash that has been evident since 2006 and next week I get a final patch test to see if my allergy is Topical. Through being on the GF diet I found that the rash and other symptoms reappeared, it was down to an ingredient that through research says that this ingredient turns to Formaldehyde in your gut, (it is to get drugs etc past the gut acids). So this brought about the Oral Formaldehyde Allergy, I control my Coeliac by total gluten elimination and the Formaldehyde Allergy by leaving home as little as possible.
It is because I reacted badly to a allergy skin test when they applied fomaldehyde that I have to be care with what I use on skin (have nodular purigo and dermatitis) and also why I got tested for coeliac. Blood test was positive but gastroscopy did not show anything. However the consultant recommended I went wheat/gluten free to help with skin and gut issues. This was eight years ago. Have found that the rye bread from a local artisan bakery is very yeasty and gave me awful stomach pains and now reading your post realise it may be the oral formalydehyde affect! I thought this bread looked really nice but will not ever get it again.
No, I do not regularly eat rye but can tolerate it in rye crisp breads for example on the odd occasion. This particular loaf was sold as gluten free and had sunflower seeds in. It was very tasty but the taste was certainly yeasty. The artisan bakery is attached to a school of cookery which regularly runs a day on gluten free breadmaking and it is all based on rye. I have not been as it is £165 for day!!
I can also tolerate ordinary porridge oats from Marks and Spencer or Jordans but but not other companies. I can have Nairns oat biscuits too.
I am not diagnosed coeliac.
Thanks for replying Cairnperson - I asked because rye is something I miss (I grew up on rye brispbread and I really really miss it!). The bread you described sounds similar to Biona rye bread. Biona also do a few completely gluten free versions, including one based on rice flour and sunflower seeds which lists yeast as its last ingredient. I've had this and been ok.
I am OK with gluten, but am highly sensitive to YEAST EXTRACT. A little yeast in breads now and then doesn't bother me as much. The yeast extract (a processed food common ingredient) intolerance causes same symptoms as gluten intolerance and Celiac Disease. It's awful and it's in 95% of processed foods with "flavors" and seasonings, including soups, broths, dressings, boxed dinners, anything with a seasoning packet, even flavored potato chips! I have to read every label, and finding a broth without yeast extract in my small-town grocery store is a challenge.
YEAST EXTRACT is a glutamate (not a gluten) just like MSG. I also have to avoid microbrewery beer. boohoo. I can drink one light one. Everyone should read labels and avoid YEAST EXTRACT just like ppl who avoid MSG and gluten.
Luckily, I find that most gluten free foods do not contain yeast extract, so I purchase gluten free products and THANK the Gluten Free industry for this.