All the lists of symptoms show abdominal pain as one item, but where in the area is this pain usually felt? I have sometimes quite severe upper right abdominal pain, am waiting result of Ct scan, but is this from coeliac?
Pain in coeliac disease: All the lists... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Pain in coeliac disease
My abdominal pain always was (and still is if glutened) low and central. Very much like severe period pains crossed with constipation pain.
I always get pain on the left just above my hip bone. My consultant told me that my intestines were very badly damaged in that area and would probably never totally recover there so I've always assumed that to be the reason.
I get the same as jillp - It's left hand side not far from the hipbone for me as well. Usually its nothing too serious just discomfort gripey.
Only twice so far have I experienced severe pains all around my stomach. Both times left me doubled over on the loo until the worst of it had subsided. The first time was when I ate some dodgy soup at the Works Christmas meal - the venue said they could cater gluten-free.... apparently not!
I used to get a pain I thought was grumbling appendix, top right. Then a generalised soreness when leaning against a sink or countertop.
Top right (gallstone like pain) as well as central (belly button).
That's just where mine is. Did it get better on gluten free? I am still waiting for results of colonoscopy and CT scan, and have tried gluten free since I had them, but I still have this pain. It is usually worse at night, and then just sore in the day.
Yes, I had considered grumbling appendix, but apparently that's OK, and the pain is too high.
Thanks for your reply.
Have they done an ultrasound for gallstones?
Yes, they did that first of all- that's all clear. Thanks for the thought anyway, but the pain is lower than gall stones would be. Have appointment 28th, so waiting to hear last results.
Thanks again.
It could be IBS that can give very severe pain, divaticulitous ( sorry about the spelliing ) can result from IBS this is where you can get small abscesses in the intestine, very very painful