Posts - Glaucoma UK | HealthUnlocked

Glaucoma UK

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All posts for November 2022

Looking for best tips living with gluacoma

Hi everyone, I have poured over recent posts, collecting tips on how to improve...

Going for trabs

I'm going for trabs op at the end of December, I'd like to find a buddy to ask a...
BlueMarina profile image

Consultation without Opthalmoscope

Hi there, I am 35 years old and use eye drops for my eye pressure since I was in...
Bluedog1987 profile image
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Watering eyes

Does anyone else suffer with watering eyes almost most of the time .My eyes look...
Julia113 profile image

Post op care nightime eye protection

Hi, my son has had trabectulectomy and shunt surgery last Thursday and the eye p...
SmudgeBoo profile image

steroids and dry eye

hi I am 53 I am on 2 types of combination eye drop to stabilise my eye pressu...
Sufitzy profile image

Glaucoma at young age

Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with glaucoma at 21 years old. I try to stay positi...
kika9 profile image

Steroid ointment

Hi, I had laser surgery 2 weeks ago for open angle glaucoma. Pressures are 23 in...
Margo88 profile image

Par Plana Vitrectomy Operation.

Hello I’m fairly new to this site and you all seem such a cohesive and friendly ...
autumnlass profile image

Trab and needling

Does anyone have experience of needling immediately after their trab? I would b...
Ritualhazard profile image

Eye lid infections

Anyone else have this problem? In the last few weeks I have developed infections...
Paperwhites profile image

Inspiring webinar

Yesterday , (16.11.22) was such an interesting webinar.. "Living with Glaucoma" ...
muddledme profile image

DVLA - when do I advise them.

Advice please - Do I advise DVLA I have glaucoma regardless or do I only advis...
Nala2509 profile image

Can high eye pressures be normal?

Hello everyone. Another “Newbie” here. I was referred to the local eye hospita...
Shinyuke profile image


Hello just to keep you all posted who have had SLT or waiting for SLT. I just w...
valfrance profile image

having my first operation


Not sure how I will cope.

Hi everyone. I have recently been diagnosed with early on set glaucoma at 38 wit...
Hello12345q profile image

Tear duct infection

Has anyone else suffered from recurring infections in the tear duct? If so, do y...
Longwalks3 profile image

Newcomer - Exercise with glaucoma advice

Hi, I am new to this group (and fairly new to having glaucoma with reducing peri...
Forestchill profile image

Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Yet another fascinating webinar( last Thursday 3 rd November) about this syndrom...
muddledme profile image

eye health

Hi Am new to this, so pls excuse any ignorance ! Want to gain info re my glau...
Cobblers12 profile image

SLT Failed

The SLT’s I had 8 weeks ago failed to provide any drop in IOP for either eye. To...
Floaters profile image


Hi All, I have pigmentary glaucoma and developed a central defect in my left e...
Jon1988 profile image

Trab for normal tension glaucoma

I am awaiting a trab on one eye (possibly needed for both) following a worsening...
Biffo72 profile image

Helpline closure

Due to staff training, our helpline will be closed on Wednesday 2 November. We r...

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