Hi,I'm on 3 different glaucoma drops ( simbrinza, timolol and travoprost) and have had glaucoma since 2018. Stable OCT since 2022. Over a year ago I had cataract operation in both eyes. Pressures are good ( 10-15). Recently I have noticed a bit of clouding in my vision mainly when indoors. ( not POC because I also had yag laser) I am worried this is an actual symptom of glaucoma affecting my central vision? I go to the doctor tomorrow. Could be a side effect of simbrinza? Those of you that have more progressed glaucoma what do you see? What is your vision like? How does glaucoma affect it? I'm worried!
Cloudy like vision: Hi,I'm on 3 different... - Glaucoma UK
Cloudy like vision
Hello Stephanie. If you are experiencing blurred vision in the centre of your vision then it is unlikely to be caused by your glaucoma. Glaucoma usually starts with deterioration in your peripheral (outside) vision. Your blurred vision could be caused by side effects from your glaucoma eye drops. Glaucoma eye drops can also cause dry eye, so it could be this that you are struggling with. You might find relief from using dry eye (lubricating) drops and by using a heated eye mask.
I have lost central vision due to glaucoma. It is less common than losing peripheral vision. I have had glaucoma for close to 20 years, initially successfully treated with eye drops and monitored with regular standard 24-2 visual field tests (for peripheral vision loss) for over 15 years. Four years ago I noticed I could no longer read with my right eye alone because there were areas that were blank in my central vision. A 10-2 visual field test (which more accurately detects central vision loss), showed that I had indeed lost central vision. You may just have some blurriness do to some other reason, but you can check to see by covering one eye at a time and looking at a printed page in a book held at reading distance to see if there are any blank areas, or use the Amsler grid (available to print online) to see if any parts of lines are missing. I wish I had realized earlier than I did what was going on so treatment (more drops plus surgeries) could have been done sooner and prevented some of my vision loss. I don't want to alarm you unnecessarily as this is probably not be what is happening to you, but I feel it was missed for me.
Actually I was found to have paracentral vision loss in one eye at diagnosis. It was missed by an optician for years, who just gave me platitudes. It’s less common but if she’s noticing something odd then she should trust her instincts and contact her glaucoma specialist to get it at least ruled out. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. So get it checked.
Like another poster said it’s rare but if it’s happened to you and been missed then you’d do anything to stop it happening to someone else. 👍🏻
Thank you Kieran, I went to the ophmatologist today and she didn't seem to be too concerned and that it could be dry eye from the drops, glaucoma itself ...but said we have to wait until the next appointment in April to do the visual field test and OCT. Meanwhile I have a private consultation at the end of February so will try to get some answers.
My wife has just started the same symptoms plus a twitching feeling like a nerve in her eye, we are due to see her Consultant next month, but its slightly concerning, she has had Glaucoma for about 2 years had laser treatment and only on one drops with no real issues just sight deterioration
Hi I am 4 different drops well one is a mixture but last time I saw one of the consultants they told me I was on 4 one of them use to be Simbrinza until my local pharmacies could not get it anymore, I now used Brimonodine, Brinzolomide, and a Timolol and Brimprost, the first 2 twice a day, I have also have an operation called a GATT last June in my left eye and I suffer from dry eyes cause by drops so I use Hyabak 6 times a day. I do not suffer from cloudy eyes, hope you get it sorted today best wishes
Hi stephanie1977, As a fellow glaucoma sufferer, I understand how worried you must be feeling. It could be due to very dry eyes or a reaction to one of the drops, but it may be worth getting yourself checked by a macula specialist especially as your central vision seems to be affected. Hope all goes well x
It's a not uncommon side effect after cataract surgery that blurriness can develop because of a physical cloudiness developing around the lens. I'm not sure of the exact mechanism and reason. This can be easily treated by laser. This happened to an aunt of mine and the laser treatment sorted it out completely.
Hi Stephanie, best to get thoroughly checked with the central vision V F. Test. I have central loss with glaucoma. Hopefully your symptom is fleeting and not serious. 🤞
Ironically, I can barely read or type today because of complications from my trab revision in December.. Very cloudy when awoke today due to a hyphaema ( excellent prompt attention received). My contribution is to suggest that assuming no cause for your observation is found, monitor hoany increasing difficulty with faint print and report at your next check up. Reduced contrast sensitivity is a wellrecorded but poorly acknowledged symptom of progression
Hi Sorshup, I hope you recover well from your trabeculectomy revision. My trab scarred up so fast they didn't even attempt a revision. So I really hope that works for you. I have spent time today really observing how well I can read things ..nothing missing so far..but the general consensus by all you lovely people is to get a central vision test ( which will make me super nervous to do!) and to get second opinions because it's the kind of thing that can be overlooked. Glaucoma is such a bummer!
I 'd say put your trust in eye specialist. I had glaucoma for 3 years and last Feb saw a specialist at Warwick hosp. Said without surgery would lose my sight in left eye. Had Trabeculectomy in June. Sight now great. No more glaucoma drops either. Good luck.