I'm getting headaches and blurry vision, even though I've had a recent eye test. It was fo the optician at vision express that referred me to Glaucoma clinic in January. So I've been using Monopost drops since then. Will I be offered an alternative and do I stop using them straight away? My next appt isn't until October. It's a nightmare getting hold of anyone at the clinic.
Monopost side affects: I'm getting headaches and... - Glaucoma UK
Monopost side affects

Whatever you do DON'T stop the drops, if you do the pressure could creep up and cause even more problems. You need to get hold of your consultant's secretary and let them know what's going on, failing that write to the consultant and tell them what's going on, good luck
Are your Monoprost eye drops Unidose (single application), preservative free, or, in a bottle - comprising drops sufficient for a month ?Unidose, are in a single application / single dose unit only : I was hoping to pull up a photo for you....
Sufficient for a month ? Uses a preservative, will probably encounter side effects... IF so, ask for the unidose, preservative free.
Which I have been using for several years now, (?8years) without any side effects.
Thanks for the response, the Monopost I've got are the single application in a box for a month, little pipette type. Thanks Jennymary I'm hoping to sit on the phone tomorrow morning, got some time free because it will take hours to get hold of someone. The headaches were sporadic in the first few weeks so didn't think anything of it, but they are now becoming constant so need to do something.Good to speak to people who get what I'm moaning about
Totally agree with replies above! Don’t stop drops whatever you do and speak to someone. Recently I had a bout of headaches and thought it’s just me I can’t possible phone because of this. Well in the end I did, on each occasion I spoke with a nurse on duty and was so thankful that I did ring, they were so understanding, reassuring and willing to talk to me. So please do pick up the phone if only for peace of mind. Take care and let us know how you get on x
I would call your GP and they can more easily contact the eye department for you and be advised whether to change the drops or not.

Hello Tattycat.
As others have said, don't stop taking the drops. As Jennymary has already advised you need to contact the consultant via their secretary and tell them the problems you are having with the drops. It is always a good idea to reads the patient information leaflet (PIL) that comes with the medication. Both blurred vision and headaches show as side effects although uncommon. When you put your drops in it is so important to close your eyes and press on your tear duct for up to a minute. The eyes absorb the drops quickly but it is the excess drop that can go into the tear duct, travel to the back of the throat and into the bloodstream encouraging side effects to happen. If you haven't tried this yet I would encourage you to start as it can help greatly is reducing side effects. Some PIL's advise this but not all. It is recommended that you do this with whatever drops you are prescribed.
I don't know if anyone else has suffered with itchy skin since taking these drops especially around the neck back of head and hands at all?