Can anybody tell me if you are long sighted and have cataracts surgery for long distance you then become short sighted
Shirt sighted: Can anybody tell me if you are... - Glaucoma UK
Shirt sighted

Hello, You will still be longsighted but will need glasses for close up work. You may find that you find it difficult to adapt at first, especially if you have only had one eye done at the moment. If you already wear glasses, you can ask your optician to replace one of the lenses with clear glass or remove that lens altogether. There are options for different types of lenses but these tend to offered privately.
Wish that was the case but been to optican and now short sighted in the eye they have done which was long sighted. My vision is blurred and its been a week optican tells me that's not going to change can not see a great deal out of it. And surgeon tells that it will not change so I have lost alot of my eyesight in that eye. Wish I could say its worked out fine but no my sight is far worse. Wish I know what to with other eye a it could mean even more sight loss. Wish it was better news but thanks for reply
My surgeon said I may be more dependent on glasses he did not say I would have to wear them all the time which is going to be the case. I really wish I had not had it done. At the moment watching tele is impossible and walking fells like I am going to fall down at any point eyes and brian not catching up. Complete nightmare so hence the post. Sorry but I feel my life will never be the sane again and wish I had never been born.
Yes now short sighted in eye they have done which was long sighted and long sighted in other so a right mis mash
I don't understand how if they asked the lens to be long sighted I have now become short sighted you would not believe what little eye sight I have now in that eye. Really don't know what to do with other eye don't think I could possible live with both eyes being the same it been just over a week now and nothing is improving consultant more dependant on glasses not totally dependent. Its a shock to the system to lose so much sight and cannot bear the thought if the other eye going the same way.
Do you know of anybody that could do corrective surgery in close to me as travelling is a problem as my husband cannot drive and have nobody to take me anywhere and feel I cannot drive I would pay private I just at better eyesight in that eye
Jane, please lose the depression! It is impossible to really understand your outcome from the first op without better info but I'm sure things will work out. First, you are using expressions (long, short) that need clarification. The most strange is the apparent loss of sight "which will not improve". If the sharpness of vision (acuity) is worse at all distances, far and near, the cause is either that entirely the wrong implant lens has been used (very unlikely), or the surgery has induced a lot of astigmatism in the corneal shape (also unlikely) or that there is some oedema at the macula which is not uncommon, and which normally resolves with steroid drops. Both your optometrist and the surgeon will have twigged this and explained it to you.So I am left with the expectation that you can actually see things close to you quite sharply (like reading?) and that you are indeed short sighted. Having two eyes of different focus is very disorientating, as you say, and normally resolves following the second eye op and using appropriate specs. I suggest you return to your optometrist, perhaps show him/her what I have written and hopefully learn a clear understanding and a way forward.
My prescription was for long sighted lens to be put in. But now optican says I am short sighted I cannot see close up or long distance in that eye now all blurred so I really don't know what's gone wrong if I have other eye done my vision could be the same little vision I cannot live with the amount of loss of sight which I have now gained
I am on to drops not sure if they are steroid drops one is maxidex and the other is ocular the consultant said I would possible have to rely on glasses more not all the time which is what will happen if I have other eye done as vision has depressed that much
When u say lose the depression how do you do that when your eyesight was good just high pressure not glucomma and now I have ended up with sight lose. I only wore glasses for reading now it have to be all the time and when I take them of the sight us bxt to nothing. It a very big shock so saying lose the depression really does not help
I am sorry to read Jane’s post and can only hope the consultant sorts something out with a proper explanation. Replying to original post, you can have whatever lense you choose. My hospital was asking people who were having cataract surgery for vision loss if they wanted to be long or short sighted. I had cataract surgery for glaucoma and, as I was ok with my eyesight I asked they put lenses in to preserve vision the same. Hope that helps.
I had long distance prescription but n9w I am short sighted it horrible I think I need corrective eye surgery but little way of transport I would go private but cannot find anybody to see to find out what I could do been in touch with consultant and basically he is saying I will have to live with it if I have other eye done then I would have very little vision in both eyes. Really wish I could get help

I am surprised an optician is not more helpful. They do say wait for it to settle before getting new glasses but it sounds as though you are now short sighted in one eye and long sighted in the other? That has always been the case for me and they said my brain had adjusted to it being that way, the disparity, if new, can make you feel you have vertigo but you can have glasses with the correct lenses for each eye. It would mean wearing them all the time but you get used to it. Perhaps visit a more helpful, independent optician?
They have tried to help and yes you are correct I have been told let it settle but to go from normal sight to this is horrible if my brian does not kick in than I don't know what I will do as I still have good vision in other eye I am so reluctant to have other eye done and have same loss if sight. But when u r not used to wearing glasses it's a big shock I wear them for reading only at the moment and having to wear them all the time is a shock. Don't know what to do for the best wish I could get corrective surgery but and pay private but cannot find anybody close to ask the question. I am struggling with driving and limited to were u can go

I suspect the only corrective surgery would be to change the lense again. I appreciate it is a shock but short sightedness is OK too. If both eyes are the same you don't need reading glasses! I apparently read with one eye and see more distant with the other. You do adjust but maybe while waiting you can cover 'new' eye to watch TV etc. I am sure I have seen posts on here from people whose sight has changed from one to the other so you may get some helpful replies from people who have experienced it.
Having read your further posts and the other replies to you, I feel even more certainly that you need to consult either your existing or a fresh (and experienced ) optometrist . None of us on this forum can really advise you properly. Good luck!
But cannot find one lose to me perhaps if I ask optican she may be able to help

Please forgive me if this explanation is unnecessary, but I wonder if you understand that "optician" is a widely used term for anyone related to eys, specs etc. officially there are registered dispensing opticians who take care of the specs and are front of house, and the registered optometrist who tests your sight, issues the prescription and gives you an opinion on the health of your eyes. If you attend a local "opticians" you will have seen the optometrist, so you must be close to one !
Before cataract surgery I was very shortsighted in one eye and longsighted in the other. It didn’t cause me problems so I guess my brain coped with it. I wasn’t given a choice of replacement lenses on the NHS but I believe they try to balance your vision so there’s now less difference between my long and short sight. I didn’t experience the wow factor after cataract surgery which people without glaucoma get. I still have to wear glasses - varifocals and reading glasses so it’s a nuisance swapping over but only a minor problem in the scale of things. I don’t know how long ago you had surgery but you’re told it takes at least 6 weeks for your eyesight to settle down. In terms of corrective surgery I believe a more personalised approach to lenses is offered if you go privately. Hope this helps.
Yes thanks for reply I have to wait a further six weeks but am not seeing any improvement
hi Jane, 3 weeks ago I had cataract surgery in my left eye.
I’m 44 and my eye sight has been fine but had to have this done due to closed angles.
My sight in my left eye is now out of focus and blurry but I’m told it will get better.
Seems like it’s still early days? 1 week to go to the opticians feels early.
Anyway I’m no expert and am really struggling myself with work and days to day but I’m hopeful that I will need to be patient and things will improve.
HiI went to my optican who has told me that my eyesight will not improve and will have to live with it. I am the same I had it done due to angle closure it's been 9 days and no improvement 10 drops a day and my eye sight in eye that they have done is no were near how it was in fact I was long sighted and now short sighted. How that can happen I do not know. My eye sight was fine cataract was fine only eye pressure they said this will lower pressure but all it seems to have done is give me little eye sight. Due to have other one done but already lost most of sight. Blurred figures look like ghosts . Hope yours improves I hold out very little hope for mine. Let me know how you het on are u due to go back to optican. I am struggling just walking as eyes are doing different things.
Was your eye pressure up ?
They have given me 7 weeks before I go back for final vision test to see what new lens they put in my glasses. I only had glasses for reading I don't think this will be the case in the future.l hence the reason I don't know what to do about other eye as if I have that done as well and it goes same way the loss of sight be to great.
I’m in a similar situation with my other eye and will wait until I have the answers. My surgeon said 6-8 weeks as I had quite a bit of laser done at the same time.
My pressures were generally ok but spiked to 70 after laser iridotomy so was told that I had to get the cataract surgery.
I was reluctant but people on this forum gave me some great advice.
Whilst I’m struggling I’m trusting the process and will let you know how I am in a few weeks. I feel I’m neither short or long sighted as I’m just out of focus currently but the doctors are pleased so I’ve got have a bit of faith.
Fingers crossed and hope you get the support you need
I had laser to start with then that stopped working so was advised to have cataract surgery due to pressure going up my eye pressure was 21 but said it be get worse so went with there advise now my sight is so blurred and cannot see any were it was before. Let me know how u get on I do not feel any hope for me as even the surgeon has said it is what it is.
MorningThank you for your reply yesterday. I just feel so negative as surgeon is not really helping let me know how you get on with your final assessment at optican. It's a bit of a shock to the system to go from seeing with good eye sight to be blurred and completely out of focus in the eye the have done and now short sighted when I was long sighted. So long sighted in good eye short sighted in other
Take care
Just wondering how u have got on. I have now been told I am short sighted even allow the lens was long distance. Would be good to know if your problem has been resolved as my problem is getting worse

Hi, I went to the doctors and they gave me another 3 eye drops taking me up to 6 which is quite annoying.
However they just said I need to be patient, my circumstances are probably very different but I feel like I’ve only got a mid range vision in this eye, anything close or far away is blurry. I’m fortunate my right eye is good so I’m hoping I can get some glasses soon.
I’ve got to have the lens replaced soon in my right eye but will try and put it off until I’m happy that my vision is better which they said could be up to three months.
Hope things improve for you soon
I am now short sighted after cataract surgery don't know how as it was long distance lens put in so short sighted in one eye long in other same sort of situation if I have other eye done it could go same way. Seeing consultant on 19th still o 6 drops a day fir the nxt two weeks. But cannot see well in eye they gave done and only have other eye that is good so concerned if I have other one done. Never wore glasses before only for reading now going to have to wear them all the time. I am so frustrated with it all. My drops are steroid drops but do notcseem to be doing anything. Let me know how u get on.Thanjs
Is that cataract surgery in your right eye
yes it’s lens replacement and laser
So they have taken cataract out and replaced with artificial lens due to high pressure same as me. I was on ten drops a day after today 6 drops for nxt two weeks When you go for new glasses they should tell you if you are now short sighted which may explain why you are having the same problems as me. Is that what you have had done ?

The only difference is I didn’t have a cataract. My natural lens was healthy and good but the new lens they replaced it with takes up a lot less space and hence will reduce my pressure. It was done as a preemptive step to stop me having any further spikes in my pressure.
I will see what they say on Thursday and go from there. I seem to find wearing my current reading glasses all the time helps and strangely my sight improves throughout the day.
Everybody has a cataract which is replaced with artificial lens my cataract also was healthy but replaced to reduce pressure and and give more space in eye to preemptive the eye pressure going higher and stop spikes in pressure. Exactly the same as me my eye sight also gets a bit better as day goes on. I would ask them when you go on Thursday was you short or long sighted before op I was long sighted and for some reason now short sighted hence the reason I have blurred vision. Hope this makes sense. You have had the same op as me for the same reason. My cataract lens was fine and heathly only removed it to give me more room in eye to stop spikes of pressure I think you will find they have done the same. You may have been long sighted before and now short sighted which is why you are having same problem as me. If you don't mind can u let me know how u get on which will help when I go on the 19th to surgeon Take care
Your cataract is your original lens.
I will try, do you mind if I ask how old you are? I’m 44 so was told they didn’t want to do the operation originally but it became inevitable.
No I don't mind I am 67 had laser surgery years ago then stopped working I also was told if I did not have this op it would only get worse so yes inevitable i also am worried other eye possible will go the same way. I have been told that I will now have to wear glasses all the time to correct vision which when I only had them for reading has come as a bit of a blow . Check if you was long sighted before and are you now short sighted my surgeon has said that will now not change as these things happen. My eyesight was really good prior to surgery but not now not even sure if it has lowered eye pressure till I see surgeon on the 19th.
ok I know I was long sighted before as I had reading glasses for computer work. I rarely used them though.
Anyway I will let you know what they say, I get the impression I will get told that I need to wait which is there usual response.
I think you are now short sighted you could check at optican they will tell you. Mine has been 4 weeks now and still the same I am being told my eye sight will not change on drops for another two weeks and then optican to get prescription glasses for use all the time but I want to speak to surgeon about other eye. Let me know what they say to u. As I am in the exact situation
How did you get on on Thursday
Hi Jane,
Sorry I didn’t get any definitive answers.
Overall my eyesight has improved since we originally spoke and since they gave me all the drops. They explained it was really inflamed and they also said I’m possibly slightly short sighted and that I have astigmatism in that eye which is likely causing the double vision and blurriness. I didn’t have this before so can only conclude this is a result of the surgery. Whist it sounds bad I need to remember that this is all being done to preserve my long term sight and I’m not bothered wearing glasses as long as my vision is good and I can tell it’s been improving recently.
I am going to the optician’s tomorrow to ask them to test my left eye and with a view to getting a lens in my existing glasses to correct it.
They are booking me in for my right eye but I’ve got holidays coming up and I want to make sure the glasses work before going ahead.
Any news or updates with you?
Well done u. Yes I also know have astigmatism the shape of eye i also did not have this before changes due to surgery. I am not sure if icwant other eye to go same way whatcwas your eye pressure when ucwent yesterday.
Your really sound more positive then I feel right now. I cannot see properly after I am up and about sobif other eye goes the same way then I need glasses as soon as i wake up. Let me know how u get on at optican as possible it will help to make my decision

I would hate you to make a decision based on my experience but I do hope you get some help. Have you tried speaking to anyone at the Glucoma helpline? I found them to be really helpful when I was originally diagnosed and felt pressured into the operation.
My pressure in both eyes are under 10 now, I’ve stopped all drops in what I call my good eye (non operated one) and they are really pleased.
I must admit if the glasses don’t work then I’m probably going to have to see if I can delay things. My job is on a PC all day and there is no way I could work if both eyes were like my left one.
I think you obviously have things worse than I do but I do hope you get some answers and some treatments. I’m sure even with the right glasses you will feel much better.
Yes spoke to them they was good but kept on saying you have had good responses but when it goes wrong I just felt on my own your eye pressure now is great and if mine turn out the same then maybe i will feel it was worth having done. At the moments I just feel as if I have lost my sight in the eye they have done. Once I speak to surgeon I will know were I am and what I have to do. Glasses all day long are the only way of correction but if other eye goes same way not sure if I could live with it. But perhaps I am jumping the gun and will wait for results on eye pressure if it's gone down and if u really want to wake up each morning grapping for glasses at the moment I can see out of good eye to see to get put of bed. Good luck with optican I am sure they will sort three out u have had done. Let me know Thanks for the chat
They are saying glasses wull have to be worn all the time which concerns me if I have rhe other eye done I really not to see when I wake up and grap for glasses so I can see. But till I see surgeon I need explanations why if they have put long lens distance in now u become short sighted. My eye us now so short sighted that other eye is a world if it own and cannot cope. I really do not want to be a blind asnivam in my one eye without the other one going same way

Hi Jane,
Back from the opticians and they said I had astigmatism prior to the operation and that they confirmed that my blurriness is more likely due to lens epithelial cells (LECs) which is quite common.
I’ve got them to provide me with a new lens in my left eye and it did seem to help but it wasn’t the silver bullet I was hoping for.
They said I was ever so slightly long sighted but when they put the lenses in to correct this it didn’t make any real difference so I just went for the prescription for short distances
.have they mentioned if you’ve got any Cells? Perhaps this could be making your vision worse?
No not yet as I see surgeon on Friday just that I was long sighted and now due to lens it's make me short sighted even allow they put long distance lens into eye my surgeon said what he asks for and whats in the box is not always correct. when u say you have got them to put a new lens do you mean in your glasses?
When you say new lens in left eye did you mean another operation or in your glasses ?
How long before you get new glasses ? Sorry lots of questions. Jane
Just looked up epithelial cells and comes up nothing to do with eyes. I still say the new lensvthey put into me and you have not quite been the correct strength and that's way we have the problem not quite the right lens for us
Hi Jane,
I found a video on YouTube that explains it better then I can
And sorry it’s getting confusing when I am talking about my anatomical lens and the ones in my glasses.
Yes I am having my glasses lens replaced with a new prescription.
I am no expert but I suppose it’s not entirely possible that they did put the wrong type of lens in but I find it highly unlikely considering in my understanding the lenses are made to measure for the patients eye.
My blurriness is not though due to a wrong lens, it’s because of these cells in the capsule and they will likely have to do some laser surgery to remove them at some point.
I think you could really do with some better help than me! I know some hospitals have patient liaison officers who might be able to dig deeper into what’s happened?
I have been in touch with liaison officer who just keeps sending to chat lines . Sometimes yes you get a film that goes over your lens which laser surgery removes but normally the optican sends you straight to hospital to have that done and it only occurs after 7 weeks so I am not sure if it is same thing. When they measure your eyes the lens company do not always get it right as my surgeon explained that this could happen before I had op and hence the reason I had to sign a form to say they would not be held responsible if things go wrong. So you only had the one op and the glasses are to correct your sight the same will happen to me I will have to see what surgeon says on Friday but cannot be reversed might ask for second opinion depending on what surgeon says. If it's any other laser surgery and it goes wrong it is not revisable I would ask. I really hope your glasses help I am sure they will. Will let you know what my surgeon says .
good luck for Friday and let me know how you get on.
Will do. My eye sight was blurred from day one the video is for people that het blurred vision weeks onwards from op did you have blurred vision from the start or has it only just started to happen ?
Thanks for all messages when do u herlt your glasses
my eyesight was also blurred from day one, I think it’s maybe something more likely that will happen over time though.
I pick up my glasses next Saturday
I will let you know what my surgeon says he is supposed to be best of 10 in the world so think it's down to lens I think we have just been unlucky and it happens but it does not help. But perhaps my surgeon can explain why the lens has gone wrong or why eye has reacted in this way. Hopefully he can come up with answers and I will let you know. It might answer some of the questionRelating to our situation.
Only a week for your glasses which I am sure will help. Message u Friday
Just come from surgeon yes I am now short sighted in eye done due Refractive surgery which is in reversesble I am been referred to a surgeon that dies piggy back surgery but might not be able to help due to eye pressure. So need my prescription glasses I have postponed other eye for 6 months and see how I feel then he did say the chances of the same thing happening are slim but could go the same way which means nxt to no eye sight.
so sorry to hear this Jane. So did they put an incorrect lens in? Stupid question but why is it irreversible and what is this piggy back surgery.
It’s obviously a very different situation than my own but no wonder you would be so concerned getting the other eye done. It’s a very different circumstance then being told you will need reading glasses.
Not revisable as the more they mess the more chance of complication and will not replace a lens once put in. I would ask your surgeon if that's what's happen to you as your eye sight is now short or on the border and the only way that can happen accordingly to my surgeon is due to Refractive outcome. Not trying to frighten u but worth asking as it might alter your decision on other eye as it has done with me
Piggy back surgery is a lens they put on top of the lens they put in when did operation 8t corrects vision but I need to find out if I can have it
Are u still taking drops. Mine stop today what are u going to do about other eye ?
I am fortunate that since I originally replied and they have me loads of eye drops my vision has dramatically improved.
My issues seems to be around the Cells but something I will have to keep and eye on (excuse the pun)
The optician said that it’s a fuzziness that will only be 100 percent resolved with further laser. I will follow that up though.
Fingers crossed for you that they can do something at some point to correct it.
Thank you keep well