Driving And Wearing A Patch After The Tab Op - Glaucoma UK

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Driving And Wearing A Patch After The Tab Op

Trebor11 profile image
14 Replies

Off for my tab op on tue 12th July I am blind in one already and was wondering do you have a patch over the eye and if so for how long I will ask the consultant on Tuesday but can’t wait to be honest also how long are you not driving for after the op replies much appreciated.

Regards Bob

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Trebor11 profile image
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14 Replies
Trish_GlaucomaUK profile image

Hello Bob, they will give you a clear shield to protect the eye.

Recovery period is between 6-8 weeks.

Your vision will be blurred after the operation, so you should not drive until your vision has improved. Also, your vision may change after the operation, so after the recovery period, you should make an appointment at your opticians to check if a new prescription is needed. There are many members on this forum who have undergone a Trab and I am sure you will get many responses.

Trebor11 profile image
Trebor11 in reply to Trish_GlaucomaUK

Thanks Trish much appreciated.

callie77 profile image

Hi BobSorry don't have answer to your question but just wanted to wish you well for your op. I'm still waiting for mine.

I'm sure somebody will be along soon with the answer.

Take care.

Trebor11 profile image
Trebor11 in reply to callie77

Thanks Callie77 much appreciated.

Hi Trebor after a trab your eye is covered in padding and as Trish said an eye shield, this is removed the following day at your initial check up. You are normally advised to carry on wearing the shield while sleeping for 2 weeks to protect your eye.As for driving your consultant will advise you depending on your recovery and how long post op your eye remains blurred.

I've had 2 trabs ,after the first I could see clearly the following day but after the second I couldn't see at all and the vision remained blurred for about 4 weeks. We all heal at a different rate and you may find your vision blurred for even longer.

As Trish said your eye prescription may well change and you are advised to get an eye test 12 weeks post trab. After my first trab my prescription changed completely whereas after my second there was very little change and I didn't require new glasses at all.

Good luck with the trab, do exactly as advised by the consultant and fingers crossed you have a great result .

Trebor11 profile image
Trebor11 in reply to

Thanks Witchie346 some great advice and very reassuring info thank you so much.Bob

All the best and it you have any other questions I am happy to try to help. The forum really helped me prior to my first trab .

floki7 profile image

All the best on the 12th, I cant add anymore than what's been said already, but wish you well.

in reply to floki7

Hi Floki, how's things with you and have you managed to get an eye appointment yet ?

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Hi Witchie, yes all good here, hope you are keeping well, not had an appointment yet, spoke to Dr to chase up a few weeks ago, but heard nothing, so have given up now, what will be will be, enjoy the weather with Lou. Good to hear from you, I do pop in from time to time but can't always offer any advice, so just lurking in the background lol ! Best wishes. x

in reply to floki7

I can't believe you still don't have an appointment and I can totally understand getting to a point where you do give up. I do however hope your doctor has more success chasing them up than you have. I have been wondering how you were so I'm glad you stopped lurking and gave advice 😂.

All is good here ,I had my annual eye check up with my optician ,pressures are good and eye appears stable so 🤞 it remains that way.

Our weather has not been great at all, we had a few nice sunny days weeks ago and since then it seems to have forgotten it's summer. Lu cut her paw on the beach a few days ago so her walks have been shorter than normal. She's desperate to get a run off her lead again poor wee girl 🐕.

Have you been keeping busy on your garden? My tubs are all looking very colourful apart from my dahlias which are all leaves !!! I was told to use tomato feed to encourage growth and it's worked well with the leaves but no flowers 🤣.

Take care x

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

Hi Witchie, sorry to hear about poor Lu, hope she is soon running around again. Yes we have had quite good weather here, the garden is a full of colour, front and back, thanks to my wife who waters it every night, I have planted a small area with veg, just started picking runner beans, had several marrows, lettuce and beetroot, so that was good. Good to hear your eyes are stable, and long may they continue to be, I think it is too late to get my operated eye back to how it was pre Trab, the vision in that eye is slightly double vision, and if i look at something through that eye only i can see the top and bottom of it but not the middle unless I move looking upward, then the rest is out of focus, but have learned to live with that now. Best wishes to you and family both 2 and 4 legged !

in reply to floki7

I'm sorry Floki to hear your trab eye isn't very great at all, the pandemic has a lot to answer for. You certainly don't expect your vision to be so much worse after a trab. I would like to think you must be an appointment soon as it's so long since you were last seen. I'm like your wife I'm the one that waters the garden,although apparently not thoroughly enough !!!

Your veg patch sounds great, my dad always grew all our vegetables , I used to love picking them . One year we grew tomatoes , they were a success but we never bothered again.

Lu is definitely on the mend and I may risk the beach tomorrow morning. It was so hot here today that we had one walk in the morning but then couldn't go out again till well after dinner and even then it was pretty hot. We just aren't used to this weather 🌞.

Lovely to hear from you x

floki7 profile image
floki7 in reply to

You too, yes so hot down here, I take Floki out about 6.30/7am these hot days, for a 'little walk, then he goes again late afternoon. Its me who dosn't water the plants enough or the right way, despite hearing them shouting "help he's trying to drown us " Any way I keep my good eye on them, when the wife is at work !! Enjoy what you can of the weather and have plenty of ice cream !

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