Following my recent post about my dry eyes, I had my follow-up appointment on Monday nearly 4 months post right trabeculectomy & it did not go well. Had a visual field test and eye scan. No change to my right eye but my left eye continues to lose peripheral vision. The pressure was elevated even though I use Cosopt and Monopost as the trabeculectomy has now failed 3 years post surgery. I have now been prescribed Iopidine eye drops and schedule for an Aqueous Shunt in June. Has anyone had any experience of using Iopidine. I read that no alcohol should be consumed with it. I am not a big alcohol drinker but every time I research the effect on glaucoma, the information is not consistent. My advice from clinic is that it is ok in moderation.
The bleb in my right eye is working well I was told but the eye is trying to heal and form scar tissue so I had a steroid injection, plus one other and put on a reducing steroid regime over a six week period. I am a bit anxious due to my left being uveitic and now having to use a maintenance steroid dose long-term. I do not want my right eye to become dependent on steroids but appreciate that it is required currently. Unfortunately, a blood vessel was nicked during the injection so my eye is very red. Hopefully this will clear in a few days but no improvement so far. Thank you all for your responses and advice 🙂.