My eyes feel gritty from my glaucoma eye drops is it safe to use ordinary eye drops, I am new to all this.
Eye drops: My eyes feel gritty from my glaucoma... - Glaucoma UK
Eye drops

I had the same issue at first. Recommend contacting the eye clinic and leave a message for your Consultant. My drops were changed and I have had no problems since. Hope you have a similar outcome.
I was advised to use preservation free dry eye drops but not within an hour of glaucoma drops.
I have the same issue with Latanaprost, it feels like grit or a lash in my eye. Spoke to my Optician and she said this was a side effect of the drop and advised me to also use Clinitas Soothe eye drops which do help a bit. I’ve been on this treatment for 6 years and you do get used to it. Small price to pay for saving your eye sight.
As others have said, first step is to call the consultants’ secretary and leave a message, explaining the issue and asking if you can be switched to a preservative-free drop, that made a difference to me.
But I also now have carbomer gel available on my repeat prescription, which is like soothing eye drops but thicker and more effective, so I can use those when I need to.
And finally, you can get heatable eye masks that you put over your eyes for 10 minutes and then kind of stroke your eyelids to encourage better oil production in your eyes, and that can make a difference if you do it regularly.

Hi there. It could be the preservative in the drops that is causing this reaction so I would recommend getting back to your specialist as it could help to try preservative free drops. Sometimes even drops without preservative can cause reactions, so it might be that a change of eye drops is needed. Dry eye drops can help to combat these symptoms, so speak to a pharmacist about the ones that they recommend. You can use them as much as you need to.

Just to add to Kierans reply. If you decide to use dry eye drops, make sure you leave a gap of at least 20 minutes either before of after using your prescribed glaucoma eyedrops.