I wrote this from memory so some of the details might be a little out.
I'd undergone a number of treatments for acute angle glaucoma. I had few symptoms and eye pressures were only slightly elevated (low 20s).
The laser surgeries worked and lowered my pressures to low teens, but not before I'd had a terrible time with glaucoma drops. During this time I thought I'd developed a UTI (listed as a side effect of Travatan) and was given a course of antibiotics which very nearly killed me.
Months later my eye pressures started to rise and I was diagnosed with open angle glaucoma - a listed delayed side effect of the antibiotics.
Many drops were tried and they all caused the same systemic bad reaction making me severely ill. It even reached the point where the anaesthetic and fluorescein drops during an eye exam would also make me ill and it would takes several weeks to calm down.
Meanwhile my eye pressures would get higher and higher, sometimes peaking at 50+ at which point your vision starts to cloud over. Scary times. My eyes seemed to react to light causing pressure spikes so I spent the best part of the year in the pitch black.
I had one trabeculectomy in 2018 and the other in 2019. These were not without problems and much further work was required to try and get pressures down to favourable levels. Finally we achieved around 14 and 18 in each eye. All treatments would make me severely ill, I'd managed to develop allergies to most medications.
Then following the most recent surgery in 2020 in which I again became ill I suffered a heart attack and was put on a cocktail of medications making me severely ill again.
Against medical advice I weened myself off all medications and my health improved. I changed my diet to a clean ketogenic one (again, against medical advice) and within 3 months saw reductions in my eye pressures of around 25%. The consultant first thought I had cheated the test as he had previously shown me how to temporarily reduce my pressures with an eyeball massage. He figured I'd been doing this in the waiting room before the appointment.
The diet was definitely doing something and pressure remained at this reduced level.
At the start of this year I made more alterations to my diet. I haven't eaten any fruit for months, I've vastly reduced my vegetable intake and I eat mainly meat, fish, eggs and dairy. I'm about 90% carnivore. My "5 per day" is closer to "5 per week".
I've seen more health improvements doing this which I won't go into, but remarkably my eye pressures have come down again. This week my eyes were tested at 10 and 11. Blebs look good and no sign of any cataract formations. I was overjoyed.
I'm going to persist with the diet and see what happens.
If you've read this far, thank you. Obviously this isn't medical advice but it feels good to share a good story. I've had terrible health problems since those antibiotics but feel I'm getting stronger and healthier each and every day and no longer worry that my vision is a ticking time bomb.