I had my eyes tested at Specsavers yesterday. Had all the extra tests and everything was fine. I have high eye pressures and use Monopost drops. No glaucoma or macular degeneration so far. My pressures were fine too. However, I was told there was a little cloudiness on the scans indicating the start of cataracts but that these could take years to develop. This has never been mentioned at my hospital visits. I am 74. Is this a common problem with age?
Cataracts and glaucoma: I had my eyes tested at... - Glaucoma UK
Cataracts and glaucoma

Hello Dorset,
Cataracts are more common with age although you can get them at any age. The rate at which they progress is different for different poeple and you'd be best asking the next professional who examines your eyes how long they think yours will take to develop.
If it's any help, I have glaucoma and had my first report of cataracts appearing about 16 years ago. They are growing very slowly and I am still a long way off having them removed. By the way, I am 68 and the latest advice I was given was that I might not ever have them removed.
I had glaucoma diagnosed a couple of years ago and there was a note of cataracts on the report. I've just had the right eye cataract removed to help reduce the pressures. It's been a good thing as I now have better vision in the part of the eye than can see - up to 6/5 from 6/18.
I think many would be mildly amused (but with kindness) to read your report ! Early cataract changes would notnecessarily be mentioned at a hospital visit if it had no relevence to current matters - and why possibly worry you by mentioning it? Just carry on eating well and getting some exercise and forget about cataract until either you feel a sight change or until you can ask about it at your next appointment.
Thank you. It’s good to know and I expect the hospital didn’t want to worry me.
I was told a few years ago I had the start of a cataract but it never developed to affect vision. However, my pressures were higher than they like and I am allergic to all drops so they recommended removal of cataracts to reduce pressures which had the desired effect. (Now 76). It didn’t change my vision as I had no problem and asked for replacement lenses to be the same as current eyesight at the time. Maybe something to consider if your pressures cease to be controlled by drops (I take acetazolomide now) but they said it could be many years before it impaired vision.
I have ocular hypertension and early cataracts, one of which is slowly deteriorating. Foolishly, I declared my ocular hypertension when changing the address on my driving licence. This led to three DVLA tests at Specsavers - the first two being inconclusive.
I’m now in my final year of my 3 year licence and don’t know whether I have to now declare my ocular hypertension, which is well managed with Monopost. If I do, and have to go through the field vision tests again, I’m concerned what impact the cataract in my right eye might have on my performance, especially as I’m advised it’s still too early for surgery. As my annual hospital appointment is now really quick, and not with a doctor, I feel as though I have no professional opinion on this matter and would hate to lose my licence because of a cataract. As far as I’m concerned, I still have excellent vision.
I’ve just googled OCT and don’t think you need to declare it to dvla. I think you could contact the hospital to get advice. Good luck.
Thank you. The reality is, I made an error in doing so in the first place, due to the fact that John Lewis’s opticians originally suggested I may have glaucoma, so my GP referred me to the hospital on that pretext.
After tests, it was found my eyes were still in good shape and so far not adversely affected by the pressure - which is now well managed with Monopost. What I don’t know now, is what I’ll have to do to renew my 3 year ‘Iicence in a year’s time. As my cataracts are still early stage, I may or may not have one of them removed before I reach that stage. But if I haven’t, and end up having to repeat the field vision test, I’ve no idea to what extent cataracts might compromise the result. I guess I need to ask at my annual hospital visit in a June, but as that’s just with technicians, I’m not sure I’ll get a confident answer.
Oh that I’d never got myself on this treadmill!
Unfortunately so, many people have the start of cataracts at our age best thing is to get one done at a time. I believe it is a relatively simple procedure.
Hello, I was diagnosed 4 years ago, at a yearly eye test, with a cataract starting in both eyes and high pressure in one eye, but not a problem then to my vision. I was referred to the hospital and was told I had Glaucoma. After 2 years I was put on the waiting list for removal of the cataract on the right eye. We then moved to a different town and I got lost in the system until my doctor intervened. A year on and I was finally seen by a consultant. My pressure in both eyes were very high and he wanted to do a cataract and Trabeculectomy quickly. I had both done in September and my vision, with new specs, is great in that eye. On what was to be my last check up in Dec. my left eye had worsened and needs the same op's. ASAP just waiting for an appointment date. At 80 I am so grateful for the chance of renewed vision. Sorry this is so long but I just wanted you to know not to worry and just go with any advice and help you are offered. 😘
Almost everyone develops cataracs, not all need removed. You say your pressures are up, you are using drops to lower the pressure but you do not have glaucoma! Sounds like glaucoma to me?
I developed a complicated cataract (L) due to steroid use for Uveitis. the surgeon said it was very dense (should have had it done earlier) and he said I nearly lost my eye. hopefully when the time comes, the cataract in the right eye will be easy!