Has anyone had cataract removal on an eye with a functioning bleb? Was it successful? I know that the chance of bleb failure is about 30%.
Cataract surgery on an eye with a functioning ... - Glaucoma UK
Cataract surgery on an eye with a functioning bleb.

Hello 👋🏻. I just saw your post after I’ve asked the same question! I didn’t know about the bled failure percentage.
I wonder if not getting it done on NHS and getting it done on my insurance, would it be beneficial to go for a doctor that specialises in glaucoma, in case any problems.
How long have you had your bleb for? I’ve had mine 13 years.
My NHS doctor is a specialist in glaucoma and cataract surgery. My bleb is only 14 months old and it seems such a shame to risk it as I know its a good one but the cataract is progressing which I think is common after trabulectomy. From what I've read the longer you've had the bleb the lower the risk. My doctor has said if mine fails they can do an omni which is a MIGs procedure which I've already had done on my other eye. There are usually other options thankfully.
Hi .I have trabs in both eyes and have had cataract surgery also as far as I know from what my consultants have told me they are still functioning well hope this helps
That really does help throw some positivity into the mix thank you!
Your welcome and thing is everyone is different with how their eyes cope with surgery and procedures .
Yes I have come to realise that..although all my surgeries have been successful I seem to take longer to recover. I do though suffer with dry eye which doesn't help!!
That's what I suffer with as well and it sometimes causes a chain reaction of problems but I know the signs now well I should do after all the years having glaucoma / Uveitis etc , I hope you have drops to counter act the dry eyes .
I use Theoloz Duo during the day and the gel version at night. I'm still using latranoprost in one eye atm and I really notice the difference between the two. The only with the bleb and using no glaucoma drop is so much more comfortable.
Finding the right combination of eye drops and gels etc is key and even the hospital don't know if they are working until you are there but you seem to be quite stable on yours atm which is really good , I'm using dexamethasone in both eyes and ODM 5 just in my left not that I can see much out of it but it helps with the dry eye.
I had my first cataract removal a few years after my first trabeculectomy. The cataract was only in the early stages but done at the suggestion of my glaucoma consultant to help improve my sight. He did the operation. The second cataract operation was three weeks after my second trabeculectomy as my cataract worsened literally overnight. I’m not aware of any adverse effects on my blebs.
i have had trabeculctomies in both eyes, needling in both eyes and cataract remival in both eyes. The second cataract operation ladt year I opted to go private with a specialist glaucoma surgeon. In my previous trab and needling…needed a few months after the trab…a stitch had been left in my eye causing pain for all that time. The private consultant removed it straight away😳 I am nit sure whether the stitch left in has caused long term damage but that eye is very uncomfortable.
The surgeon was extra careful to not go anywhere near the bleb.
I have eyes ‘as dry as the sahara’…(quite from a nurse) and wonder if people find changing their drops from time to time helps? I currently use Thealoz Duo.
My eyes have lately become much more sensitive to wind asxwell as light and glare! Tiz a tough condition to have…I am an artist and have had to give up SO much. Have to stay positive tho😊