I got a letter through the post today saying I have tested positive for group b strep from a swab I had taken 2 weeks ago because I was spotting , should I be treated now and tested again later in pregnancy ?
Should I have antibiotics now at 18 w... - Group B Strep Sup...
Should I have antibiotics now at 18 weeks ?
Welcome to our health unlocked community, gedwards.. Congratulations on your pregnancy and , even though it must have been very scary with the spotting at the time, you now know you carry GBS and can act accordingly. The charity's medical advisory panel say that, if you've have had a positive GBS test result (from the vagina or rectum) during the current pregnancy, then you should be offered intravenous antibiotics from the onset of labour or membrane rupture until delivery. If GBS was found in a urine sample (and it doesn't sound as though it was, but just in case) then antibiotics are recommended if the positive result was from the urine.
GBS carriage can come and go so there is the chance that you may lose carriage by the time your baby is born. If you want to find out whether you are still carrying GBS, you can have a sensitive test at 35-37 weeks. If the sensitive test result is negative, then intravenous antibiotics are probably not indicated, since research shows that a sensitive test giving a negative result within 5 weeks of delivery is highly predictive of the mum not carrying GBS at delivery. The risk of acquiring carriage in a 5 week period is very small. Having said that, another test is only worthwhile if you're going to be happy not to have the antibiotics in labour - if you'd want them anyway, then why retest?
Do check on the charity's website for more information. gbss.org.uk There are lots of FAQs (click the What is GBS? heading on the front page, then on the FAQ heading). And you can print out a sticker for your handheld notes to remind everyone about the antibiotics in labour if you'd like to, or contact the GBSS office and they'll be happy to pop a couple in the post, and answer any other questions you may have. Our telephone numbers are on the website too.
You will need to discuss with your midwife and you may find it helpful to download some info from the website to keep with your notes.
Do let us know how you get on
I know the response is about testing at 35-37 weeks, but what if the baby comes prematurely? testing should be offered I guess, but isn't in all hospitals, please give some advice for those who go into 'early' labour. Thanks
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