Just after some advise, been on Itraconazole now for around 19 months and it seems to have gradually stopped working to the point where I actually feel worse now than when I first started taking them, I have an appointment with my Specialist on Friday morning and until then have started taking my rescue meds, just wondered if anyone else has had similar problems. thanks
Itraconazole seems to have stopped wo... - Aspergillosis and...
Itraconazole seems to have stopped working

You do not say why you are taking itraconazole but there is a well described process whereby some Aspergillus infections gradually become resistant to itraconazole and the outcome for the patient is similar to what you describe. Once that happens there are alternative antifungal drugs to use though some are much more expensive.
Hi Nikki
Sorry to hear you are feeling worse. I was on Itraconazole for 2 years before it also seemed to stop working. My consultant changed my medication to Voriconazole but this gave me really bad side effects. Now changed to Posaconazole which after a couple of months appears to be working well and no side effects. I hope your Friday appointment goes well and you are given an alternative medication.
Hi Nikki
It was photosensitivity -- hands and face very red and flaking skin. Its a recognised side effect and was warned to use Factor 50 sun cream whenever out doors. Hope that helps.
hi Pete
Thanks for the reply, I currently am suffering with itching all over, no rash just itching in different places all he time, currently take Fexofenadine antihistamine just didn't know if could be part of ABPA.
Thanks Pete luckily had my holidays this year n don't think we will be getting much sun here but I have plenty of factors 50 just incase did you suffer any of the other 1000 side effects listed xxx
Will update you
Went to see specialist Friday and u fortunately he thinks the itraconazole has stopped working he has took numerous bottles of blood to test my liver and kidneys as well as other things given me 10 days steroids and changed me to voriconazole, what a nightmare I had at chemist getting them due to the cost!! Just hope I start to feel better soon
Hi Nikki
Good to hear that you have been given an alternative medication. When taking Voriconazole make sure you keep covered up when outdoor in the sun and use factor 50 sun cream. As previously posted, I had a very bad photosensitivity reaction when taking Voriconazole. I expect your specialist and chemist will have already advised you. Good luck in the future and hope you begin to feel better.
Thanks Pete luckily had my holidays this year n don't think we will be getting much sun here but I have plenty of factors 50 just incase did you suffer any of the other 1000 side effects listed xxx
Well been on the new meds a week today and fingers crossed and touch wood the only side effects I had was flashing lights and insomnia but even they seem to have passed now, and I am feeling a lot better although on research it says the medication can take upto a month to see a benefit I have seen one already

You can get a good idea of the variety and amount of side effects of any drug at the UK MHRA Yellowcard service yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/iDAP/ The entry for voriconazole is at info.mhra.gov.uk/drug-analy...
Ask for a different anti fungal and see what happens. Try not to take too many steroids for a long term . Good luck also try Manuka honey high dose twice daily and see how you feel after 10 days