Hi, I am new to this blog I am looking forward to sharing and making friends. I cannot get out a lot so healthunlocked blogs are important to me. Thanks for readig hope to hear from someone.x
New girl on the block: Hi, I am new to... - Foggy's "Invisibl...
New girl on the block
Healthunlocked is a great site isn't it? I have made loads of friends on here from a number of communties so I'm sure you will too.
This particular forum appears to be in it's infancies at the moment but it's growing all the time.
Hope we can chat soon. TC & Kindest Regards
wanderingwallflower xx
Hi there I have osteo arthritis my husband has COPD and he has never smoked either and we are both only in our 40s....
Nice to see you
VG x
Thanks for you messages it is lovely to know there is someone out there to share with. I also belong to the copd site there are lots of friendly people there and useful info about the illness.plenty of fun and laughs too. Keep well and warm this terrible weather. xx

You would be surprised at the number of ppl who have COPD and never even puffed a fag behind the bike sheds. Every time I go to a Hosp the same old prejudice abounds. Always from the Staff rather than patients. Smoking may be the single greatest cause but it never fails to put my back up after all these yes.
Hello dear
another stuck indoors person here. Great site, I belong to quite a few, passes the time reading and researching.
I have autoimmune problems.
hugs Dawn
Hi ,I hardly ever get out, on a sat with my hub maybe .Its tough and its good to have support I'm feeling a bit depressed this week .I also have chronic obstructive airway disease ,never had a cigarette in my life ,fibro ,leaky gut IBS etc etc .Keep your chin up .xx
I don't drive any more too nervous so I relly on my familly for any outings but I do have a mobility scooter so I can ride around my village. It was a bit difficult at first because of the curbs but I contacted the council and they have lowered them so I can now acess the shop, library etc. I feel as if I have been let out of prison in fact I am probably a hazard to other pavement users He He. keep smiling.

Hi I get spinal spasms and when they happen I am dependant on my family to go anywhere some of the best fun I have is in the tescos mobility shopping cart, it helps if you can smile and have some fun...my daughter thinks I will get banned lol. Lovely to meet you hope you enjoy the forum being house bound can be as disabling as the diseases we suffer with. Karen xx
Hi new here and just reading your comments. hope to make a few friends and get some info on coping with fibromyalgia, Me and multiple allergies, leaky gut, migraines and more!
Hi, I am new here too but have been reading some of the blogs etc on the fibro forum for a while I too have a list of ailments you would never buy arnt we blessed to get them all for free..lol My sister thinks I just think up a new one every couple of months still at least we are able to laugh about it. Nice to meet you Karen xx
New one here too, we are all here in heart and mind but not body but this sit makes you feel not so alone and there is strength in numbers xxxx take care keep smiling it stop wrinkles hahaha xxxx