Hi everyone, I’m a chronic pain sufferer which a lot of the time feels soooo hopeless! (I’m sure the majority of you know the feeling 🙄) so I was hoping since this community has pain in common we could all add a comment with ANY tips, tricks, advice or methods of pain relief! Anything is worth listing if you can! Thank you ✨💗
METHODS OF PAIN RELIEF?!: Hi everyone... - Foggy's "Invisibl...

Heat patches and also cool patches. A well fitting neck brace. A good supply of Teddy bear blankets. Music.keeping busy.
i have a chronic migraine with all this symptoms of trigeminal nerve , is that happen with you ? and pain in a meddle of my head < its really painfull
Australian Dream Cream for arthritis and back pain … I swear this stuff works.
Hi! I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia 2 years ago and I'm now pain free. I actually put together a guide with everything I did: docs.google.com/document/d/...
Hope this helps! XX
Hi there,Im new to this page, I have stumbled upon it whilst reading up on some information on trigerminal neuralga I have just been diagnosed with it, vascular loop on my trigerminal nerve. I have had chronic pain for 19months and just been prescribed carbamazipean and consideration of surgery to sort nerves which im reluctant to do due to sevirty of opeation, im 35 years of age and monther to 19month old (pain started from delivery on my child). Can you give me some advise regarding how you manage your pain, any tips, forums, groups you use for advice? At breaking point with the pain and not getting much assistance from medical professionals.
Heat and sleep....I do take meds as well but I'm sure all you chronic people know how useful that feels....and the struggle re opioids to use or not to use and actually being able to get hold of them from a healthcare system that thinks we are all addicts.My pets help keep me relaxed/ happy a big soppy Labrador in particular and I'm a mum so that helps to keep me going when otherwise I might have given up. And accepting family support with a thank you. (my side of the family his are awful)
I've recently developed face pain and the dentist has suggested trigeminal neuralgia, the chiropractor I've started seeing for my neck thinks TMJ. I feel permanently exhausted and cold....
Absolutely love that your dog got a mention! I’m a clingy dog mamma myself! They’re such good company when we’re having down days stuck at home 💗I’m sorry you’re having more pain! Have you made any decisions about your face pain? I hope you get sorted and yes 100% accept any help that is offered to you! Xxx
Hi, long time CFS/ME sufferer here. Have widespread pain and discomfort in muscles and joints. I'm not on any pain meds (apart from paracetamol to take the edge off of feeling particularly trash some days), so have tried to work out how to manage this within my means.
I've found the best way of managing it is is exercise, particularly weights, low impact cardio and yoga stretches every morning. I appreciate this really isn't the thing anyone with chronic pain wants to do first thing in the morning (I certainly don't haha), but it's really important to maintain and develop your bodies' capabilities. I found for the first few years of having chronic pain, I had allowed it to make me less and less mobile, so over time the muscles that were okay beforehand, were getting weaker.
When you're dealing with chronic pain conditions, its important not to let it take any more from you than it has to. If you're physical activity level is low at the moment, start small and gradually build it up over time. I certainly feel stronger physically just by pushing myself when I'm able, but also taking it easy when needed. There's some really good videos on youtube specifically for getting more active when you have chronic pain.
Best wishes,
LOVE this message! Thank you so much for the advice! That makes so much sense. I’m glad this is working for you 😊 can’t believe you manage on only paracetamol! Amazing. Can’t remember the last time I was only on paracetamol! Maybe one day haha x
No worries at all, thanks for replying. I gotta admit, I have a lot of days where I think 'screw it, I'm too tired', but I definitely feel better for the rest of the day when I can drag myself to doing some physical activity, so it's worth a go. The paracetamol is pretty hit and miss to be fair, I was given something stronger, but found it depressed my breathing, not good haha.
Do you mind if I ask what your condition is, and where you get the pain? I got diagnosed with ME but I'm still not 100% sure if it is that or not (I swear all these conditions have really, really similar symptoms to each other). I get like dull pain and discomfort pretty much everywhere and also get localized, more intense pain in some areas, which seem to change all the time.
Hope you're keeping as well as can be
Best wishes,
You know what, with your diagnosis it’s amazing you get exercise done at all so you’re definitely allowed them ‘screw it’ feelings! 😂 you’re right though it gives you a massive boost for the rest of the day if you do get something physical done! It’s like your gold star for the day ain’t it. Ahh that’s a bit frustrating not having a definite diagnosis.. have you always suffered with it?Yeah I was born with scoliosis (S-shaped spine) the plan was to leave me alone until I was in my teens so I had time to grow but when I was 5 my spinal chord became compressed and started causing problems so I had to have the first surgery aged 5 and continued to all through my childhood having spinal correction surgery with extendable rods and a spinal fusion later on so my back and neck has limited movement now. I recovered from all that normally and the surgery always went to plan so it was a shock to me when years later I started developing all the wonderful pain and basically it never left 😂 it just got more widespread and more intense over the years but really there’s never been much explanation about it apart from multiple surgeons saying it’s not surprising I’m in pain after the surgery I had so young. It started just being in my ribs but now it’s my ribs, back, neck, thigh and shoulder blade so it’s impossible to get everything comfy! You should see how many pillows I have 😂 they often just put it down as ‘after surgery pain’ and massive nerve damage.. I guess metalware isn’t kind to the body after so many years!
Sorry for the novel! Hope you’re doing well! Xx
A hot bath with Epsom salts. All that magnesium absorbed is wonderful and relaxing.