Hi I've woken up today with pains that shoot down my head passed my ear an on to the right side of my face its like being shocked the pain is really unbearable painkillers do not work I'm eating them like sweets I've tired hot water bottle works for now could anyone please advise me wot eles I can do I feel like butting wall 😢
Neuralgia : Hi I've woken up today with... - Foggy's "Invisibl...

Sounds like TN - look at related posts to the right of this page. Your B12 levels are probably very LOW - have you had it tested ?
Marz I see your comments about B12 and they eare very valid. Always worth perusing any avenue which may help. My sister is a nuitritionist running her own practice and a school. I have a healthy, balanced diet. It may not be this for me but perhaps this will help others ?

Yes I am sure your diet is very healthy. There are many reasons that B12 may be low - and mostly to do with the poor testing and diagnosis. The range is from around 180-900 in the UK. Do bear in mind that in Japan the range STARTS at 500. Sadly a GP looking at the results will say everything is Normal when they mean in range. So if your result is 185 you will be left to suffer. Neurological issues can begin with a result under 500.
It is also important to consider that only 20% of the serum result is actually available to be used at a cellular level where it is needed.
I recently attended the B12 conference at Loughborough University where Sally Pachlok was speaking. She was the author of the book - Could it be B12 ? There has been a film made about her life too - same title as the book. Trailer on You Tube .....
As you can see from the list above - there are many neurological issues with B12 deficiency - along with all the other problems. So many people have gut issues today - IBS - Crohns - Diverticulitis - Colitis and so on....as B12 is absorbed in the terminal ileum affected by the aforementioned conditions then it is no wonder people are deficient. Also it goes hand in hand with Low Thyroid as the stomach acid that binds the B12 molecules for onward transportation - is also low.
Surely it is better to rule out this very common problem before embarking on serious medication which in many cases can cause more problems.....
Well then Marz I'd better double check .. You never know
Marz, I was really pleased to read your earlier comment as I hadn't realised there was a link and will be seeing my GP in a couple of days time to discuss my symptoms including that one. My B12 isn't low but it has been suggested on another site that I ask my GP for injections - only I have just read about increased cancer risk with that... It's all so complex and circular!
I find that confusing - if you have been told to ask for injections then your B12 must be LOW I do not think there is an increased risk of cancer with B12 injections - I think you will find the opposite could be true. I spoke with Martyn Hooper yesterday and he has just attended a conference in France where this topic was discussed. Am sure there will be more news to follow. The PAS website should keep you updated.
That sounds like what I have TN go to your GP pain killers don't work. Hope you get it sorted x
I have this too , I'm so sorry for you it's the pits . No painkiller will work on this pain not even morphine. I take an epilepsy drug which works . Praying you get relief soon x
Classic TN .. see your doc straight away and join the TN association. Fight for diagnosis. Get an MRI (see my story so far). Hang in there.

What's TN?