Fibromyalgia: Can anyone help with... - Foggy's "Invisibl...

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59 Replies

Can anyone help with choosing a mattress or mattress topper for fibromyalgia,

I can feel the springs through mine and need advice,

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59 Replies

I have a brilliant mattress I had in the first place because my weight dropped to 6-5 . It's called integral compact and it's made by Spenco,I had it from a disability shop and I do remember it was quite expensive but well worth every penny.I have now gone up to 9st but I still won't give it up?Try looking it up you won't regret it.Good Luck

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By the way if you decide to have this particular mattress it goes on top of your exciting mattress ,so double comfort.

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Gemini71

Can you describe it please is it a mattress topper, and how much did you pay for it

I have been on line and there are various types.

Thank you

Hi the only way I can describe it is it's like a latex cover and it reads that it's a cotton filling. I think your best way to find out more is to take the name of it to a Disability shop and ask them if they have a catalog of mattress. At the time I bought it which was about 6yrs ago it was about £250. But I'll tel you what I'll call in our Disabillity shop tomorrow which isn't far away and I'll enquirer and let you know.

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Thank you, that's very kind of you


Sorry it's not Pat it's Norma

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Fluffymare in reply to

Sorry to confuse you Norma, I am Pat


in reply toFluffymare

No I'm sorry Pat. I've been to the disability shop today and there going to get back to me .When they do I'll let you know

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I'm sorry it's took so long to get back to you Pat.My Disabillity shops tells me Spenco are no longer in business ,she said there are a lot of alternatives between £150-200 but she did hint there not so good. I looked on the web and I found it but it was in America,so they have only discontinued here really. I'm really sorry I could be of no help,but maybe you could go to your Disabillity shop and see what you think. Hope you get sorted.x

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Fluffymare in reply to

Thank you for your trouble it's very kind of of you.

Feel really unwell today have a cold and it has flared my fibro up something cruel.

My husband has been in hospital for the last seven weeks with a stroke, and what with visiting him every other day, it has caught up with me, I can't go today Znd feel really guilty

Because I did not visit yesterday.

Only me to visit my neighbour has been good taking me to hospital, My Son lives at Melton Mowbray and I live in Birmingham. So it is a nightmare. he can only visit once a week

My anxiety is churning my ibs up and with little appetite, feel so awful, I can understand how people cannot go on, about time they found a cure for it, I am glad i got it badly just over

15 months ago with the ibs, and I am 78 and seem to have every symptom, and as you know there are many, sorry to have such a moan, but it is better than crying which at this moment I feel like doing


in reply toFluffymare

Pat if you feel like crying cry if it will make you feel better. I come from B'ham which Hostpital is your husband in.? I'm 70yrs old and I've had a couple of Hostpital stays so Beleive me when I tell you if you've got a cold the best decision you can make is to stay home,I'm sure he'll understand . Has he got a mobile phone with him so you could chat to each other? I know it's hard on both of you ,but try to calm down concentrate on getting yourself well or you'll be no good to either of you if your both unwell.Can you let him know your unwell ? Please Pat look after yourself and stop worrying I know it's hard but please try.Big HUG to you both.

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Thank you for your thoughts,I live in West heath which is South Birmingham. He was in Queen Elizabeth at first now he is in Moseley hall hospital,

Which is in Kings Heath, it's been 7 weeks now.

Which part do you live?

My neighbour has gone to see him this afternoon but she is 83 and a real good neighbour.

I am having a real hard time with my appetite at the moment which I lost 15 months ago together with this ibs. Everything seems to upset it. My stomach is just upset all the time.

I can't believe that 15 months ago I was ok, anxiety under control and could eat what I liked.

The most horrible thing is when I get up in the morning everything is the same, and being on my own is just magnifying everything.

I am seeing a psychologist but all she keeps saying is do more relaxing things, try different foods, my anxiety won't let me drink a cup if crazy is that!!!the Psychiatrist is coming to see me on Wednesday, I tried several antidepressants and all I get is side effects and no benefits he said I was suffering from emotional distress, and that was before Graham had his stroke, he said I must pursue relaxing things.

I can't believe that our own brains do this to us.

How does your fibro effect you, do you get ibs? I know it does not effect some sufferers, I seem to have the whole house.

I rang the hospital and they said do not come in with a cold or infection, which makes sense.

Thank you for your concern,

Look forward to hearing from you.


in reply toFluffymare

Oh pat I just want to give you a big hug.I don't have Fibro but I do have chronic IBS as well as to many other ailments to go into. I live in Cannock now but was born and brought up in B'ham untill I was 56yrs old. When we left that was from Castle Bromwich ,but we've lived all over Brum.Back to you I think your psychologist is right,even though it's hard especially on your own try and relax even just for a little while.I know that's even harder still when your in pain ( and worry with your husband ) Try soothing music,reading a book or whatever your hobbies are.But in the meantime if you ever feel like chatting you've always got us even if you just want a rant. Big Hug. Norma

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma

Thanks for your reassuring message, this cold has really pulled me down, and the weather here today is wet dark, and dismal just the sort to make you depressed.

As I said I have anxiety which is affecting my appetite and my weight, getting too thin and it worries me and so it causes my ibs to be really painful, Dr has given me fortisips but I would rather have proper food.

You are having a lot of problems with your ibs, I read some if your posts, awful is'nt it,

Do you have a supportive family, My daughter in law is a Specislist nurse in long term conditions, but she thinks I have learnt a lot of these things snd should be trying to unlearn them, a Hypnosistherapist said this is so, had one session, rather expensive if quite a lot of sessions needed but then my husband had his stroke nd it has changed our whole lives and finding very hard.

How are you coping with your ailments, yours sound far more serious than mine, yet you seem determined to carry on to find a solution for your ibs.

Mebeverine are not much good for me,you have had this for many years and I have only had it just over a year. It is hard finding what suits you .

I am trying a probiotic from Holland and Barrett at the moment, does not seem very successful. The Internet is full of so much contradictory information it leaves your head in a whirl.

The Dr is just as bad, eat plenty of fibre, and you wonder whether that's right I have always tried to eat a healthy diet but wonder now whether to change.

Dealing with Graham's stroke has flared up this fibro, one of the members on this forum has suggested that I ask my Dr for my blood

Results as she said that a lot of fibro sufferers are low in vitamins, so am going to do so.

Take care this cold I have is a cold virus that is going around, and if you are a little vunerable it's worse.

Have you had your flu jab, I had mine last week thought it was that that made me feel worse

Big Hug to you too.


in reply toFluffymare

Yes Pat I'm first in the queue for the Flu Jab. That is worth asking for your bloods to be done to see if your lacking anything .You will probably feel better when your husband comes out of Hostpital because he'll keep you busy. I tried hypnotherapy some years back and yes it is expensive,I also felt it was no help they were just taking my money. But my gastrologist is sending me to see a hypnotherapist in Manchester who has had a lot of success with IBS ,and he also teaches you how to do it yourself,but that's not till the end of December. You could try discussing it with your GP and see if you could get it on the NHS. I don't know Pat I don't like this old age do you ? I'll just end with if you ever want to talk I'm just here. Big HUGS. Norma x

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Rang my dr this morning he said my bloods are near top of range, so said i do not need supplements. Do you think a multivitamin might be in order?.

It is nice to have someone to talk to, hate being on my own in this house.

Is your hypnotherapy being paid for by the NHS. That's good but always have to wait for everything.

I did hear that hypnotherapy for good for a lot of things. And is being taken seriously.

Do you have good family support, do you have a husband? It is so important, that's why I am feeling so alone at the moment never had to face anything like this before.

Old age is ok if you have your health.

Did you get help from a dietian from your GP

Asked mine today, did ask ages ago but heard nothing, he is chasing it up.

To help put on weight he has suggested fruit smoothies. How will that go down with ibs,

Suck and see I suppose.

Hope you do not mind me bending your ear.

Only need it at the moment

Be glad to see the back of this cold, coughing for England.

Bye for now

PS do you get a lot of burping with your ibs


in reply toFluffymare

Yes Pat NHS is paying for my hypnotherapy,if you've got a good pharmacist there the best people to ask about Multivitamins, but while you've got a cold I'd recommend vit C.The gastrologist put me in touch with dietician ,and there advise was smoothies irritate IBS . There was a a time when I was 6st 10lb and the advise I was given for putting on weight was 2 Digestive Biscuits a day. One thing I have learned with bad health is you've got to push everything with your health nowadays yourself.Pat eat fresh fruit like blueberries, Pineapple good for the digestive system.At the moment I'm trying AloeVera juice 100% with no additives,from Holland and Barrett,I've been told it takes about 3wks to work, I've only been on it a few days so I don't know if it works. But I would defiantly get yourself some Vit C and talk to your pharmacist . Good Luck

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Oh and try hot water bottle on your tum

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Norma,I have just written you a long message and I lost it through some unknown reason.

Did the dietian help you at all, did they tell you to eat Digestive Biscuits.

I thought smoothies would irritate ibs, he said to get the fruit ones. I think they forget

that you have ibs

How did you manage to put on weight, did you work it out yourself.

For breakfast I have either porridge oats or all bran with a portion of black or red grapes

A snack of fortisips because it gives me 300 calories, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a filling for lunch, today I had some tinned pears and a banana, and Morrisons Bistro Cottage Pie with Carrots, Cauliflower, and broccoli for dinner.

I do buy blueberries and necturines, Apples and Pears, I like Oranges but heard that citrus fruit irritates ibs, which are a great source of Vit C.

I have Salmon a couple if times a week, but am a little scared to be adventurous.

I know people are different but what do you eat?

They say keep a food diary, try an elimination diet, but I am always worried that if they say take away wheat or dairy what to replace it with. and upsetting my stomach.

I will ask my pharmacist about a good multivitamin, are Vit C a good supplement.

My trouble my anxiety flares fibromyalgia which then causes ibs it's a vicious circle that I need to try and break, easier said than done.

The Aloe Vera juice sounds good let me know if it works

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Fluffymare in reply toFluffymare

That message seemed to run out of space,

I am 9st 4 at the moment.and want to put on a few more lbs, 15months ago I was 12 st

Do you get a lot if burping with your ibs?

Thanks for your information and being so understanding

Shall be off soon to take my sleeping pill and hope to get some sleep with thus cold

Tomorrow I have the rehabilitation team coming to the house to see what aids Graham will need when he comes home.

Bye for now,


in reply toFluffymare

Right Pat here goes,I'll try and answer your questions,but you have to remember all our bodies work differently,I can only tell you some of the foods I was told to eat for IBS. My weight just came back on after being put on a anti depressant.These foods were given to me by a dietitian. FRUIT. Don't eat fruit with stones in example nectarines,no pears any fruit ending with berry except blackberry,Banana,pineapple,grapes, Mandarin Oranges,and a great source of Vit C is drink plenty of water with a slice of fresh lemon in it,when lemon hits your digestive. system it looses its acidity. VEGETABLE no onions,cauliflower,broccoli they are all veg that give you gas.Onions are really bad also garlic. Try carrots,potatoes,swede,tomatoe,parsnip, White cabbage.Salmons great don't worry about salmon. DAIRY Hard cheese like cheddar and butter Not margarine and use olive oil to cook in. I hope that's a little help Pat. Oh and I definitely take Vit C supplement through the winter.I also recommend to drink plenty of water with a slice of lemon,and remember fresh is best processt food is a no no. If I can be of any more help Pat don't be afraid to ask.I have a guide book on food next to me so I can always check it out. Speak to you soon. Oh and I wouldn't have thought over 9st was to bad.

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Fluffymare in reply to

Thank you Norma for the information, can you buy that guide cook book, could do with recipes for dinners and lunches, breakfast is ok

I am surprised that pears are a no, what about apples,?

My trouble is I stress over what to eat, which begins the cycle stress equals ibs and fibro

Do you stress or are now pretty ok with what suits you.

I only drink bottled water and will get a lemon and will get some vit C supplement

Rehab people came and really stressed me out with all the aids around the house,

My Son said wait and see how he gets on, but it's me that has got to deal with it. he wants us to move nearer to them, because my daughter in lae Zoe is having a son in November, my third grandchild, but it is such an ordeal dealing with all these problems.

My Psychiatrist is coming tomorrow, have tried several Antidepressants had so many side effects with out any benefits that I have given them up., he said I am suffering from emotional distress, wish he would come up with a plan to help it.

Oh well life goes on even our pain filled ones

I get this awful burping after I eat anything, do you?

Shall go and see Graham Thursday and try to keep cheerful

Lovely keeping in touch with you,

Pat xx

in reply toFluffymare

It's not a cook book Pat I had it from my dietician,and no apples I'm afraid, but don't stress to much because as I said all our bodies are not the same. I really wish I could Live next door to you to give you some comfort . Please try and relax abit Pat.If your physicists comeing tomorrow have a really good talk with him,don't be afraid to tell him your struggling with your stress which in turn causes all your other problems. Relax Pat I'll speak to you tomorrow. Big HUG

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My Psychiatrist has just been, we had a long talk and she said that my best way forward is to practice the same relaxation tape for 30 minutes twice a day without fail for 2 months and keep a diary of how I feel. She said it will be very hard but I must do it

She said my brain is hard wired to be a worrier and relaxation rather than medication is the way forward for me. Does that sound ok to you.

Life throws us some cruel things to deal with

Does'nt it

When you have your Hypnotherapy in Manchester do you have so many sessions, does that mean you have to go to Manchester every week? Bet you are looking forward to doing it, you will have to tell me how to do it yourself afterwards.

The weather today is dismal again suppose it is the same for you. Raining again, depressing and dismal.

I now have to choose the tape I am going to listen to, hard decision

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat I couldn't agree more with your psychiatrist,to try and relax twice a day has got to be far better than pills. I am looking forward to trying Hypnotherepy I'll give anything a go. Pat do you use a computer,a phone or an iPad.

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I use a ipad, my son bought it for me, it's ok but I have not got around to using all its apps yet, but find it very easy to use, and it is very quick.

What do you use?

I am having a tough decision about which relaxation methid to use, Mibdfulness, meditation, or just guided relaxation.

Decisions, decisions.

Do you do relaxation,?

Why can't they produce a magic solution to all our problems. Money I suppose.


Will reply fully later


in reply toFluffymare

The reason I asked you was because I use an iPad, and there is an app called Spotifi and it's really good for music.You can make your own folder of tunes and there are some on there for relaxing . I've made a set up of about 10 tunes for sleep. Have a look in the App Store and see if you can find it.

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I spelt that wrong it's SPOTIFY

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Had a bit of a funny day, ruminating about Graham, and how I will cope.

It's funny is'nt it the way everything seems fine when listening to the advice from Professionals but when they leave everything goes back the way it was, and it is all up to you again, and you won't see them again for eight weeks,

I mentioned my appetite and apparently its all to do with the mind, still find eating a nightmare especially Dinner at night, heave a big sigh of relief when I gave shoved the last mouthful down and then can relax?

Hard to believe that we let our own minds treat us like this, you would think an alien had invaded it.

Changing the subject did you down load that iOS 8 on to your iPad, sent mine a bit funny for a while but did get better.

Have found SPOTIFY on my iPad and will have a look at it, I have got quite a number of cds and also have a look at You Tube.

what I need are a good pair of headphones, can't stand the iPad ones they keep popping out of my ears.

I find relaxation is best with headphones, so you can really concentrate on it

Bye for now, speak tomorrow.

Pat xx

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat yes I did download my iPad on Monday it sent mine all different but for the better in some ways. How's your cold,are you going to see your husband today? You never said how his stroke has affected him? I no what you mean by some things make sense when your talking to professionals then when they're gone you think of things differently.Ive just been to the hairdressers and when I got home I thought I'd said something to offend her, so I had to ring her to put it right. I've just noticed you've put a post on about fibromyalgia I can't help you there because I don't know what it is. But I do think if your Gp won't give you any Meds for relaxing, go for what your physiciatrist told you.In the SPOTIFY app there's music you can pick out and put it in like a folder,and I thought if you picked say 10 pieces of music that lasted about half hour,that would then tell you when your times up if that makes any sense.I would also just pick instrumental music. Well il speak to you soon Pat I think I've gone on long enough. Say hello to your husband.

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma, I have just written a long message to you and it disappeared in front of my eyes

Will now write a shortened version

I went to see Graham this p.m. And although he can talk and move his limbs, he is quite weak, this is the eighth week and it has taken it's toll on me and that is my worry, he will be given a care package , I do not know what that is yet, but I will hsve to care for him most of the day and night, so I do not know how my relaxation sessions will fit in

I am having a fibro flare up at the moment, because of the stress I have been going through, it tightens my muscles up and it us hard to relax them, in the chest, shoulder blades, tingling legs and arms, quite unpleasant.

Fibro is a complex chronic pain condition,

And the fatigue is debilitating.

The Psychistrist said that because I have been a worrier all my life my brain is hard wired to anxiety, that flares up the Fibro

because they are connected and has given me the ibs

In fibromyalgia the brain misreads pain signals and amplifies them, instead of just being a touch to most people in Fibro it is pain.

Old age is ok if you have your health and mobility, I never thought it would be like this.

Sure you did not either.

Got another busy day tomorrow, Psychologist coming in the morning and the aids are being fitted for a Graham in the afternoon, not much time for relaxation.

Hope you are feeling well at the moment,

my cold is a little better, and Inhope the weather is better tomorrow

Pat xxx

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat it's good to know your husbands limbs and speech are all right. Try and think positive. I have a friend who At the age of 77 had a stroke last year and she could not walk or speak very wel,now she is right back to herself. So here's wishing him luck, when he's home that I think will be better for both of you. I think you recover better at home,and you won't have the stress of visiting. Like I say i can't cmment on Fibro because I don't understand it,but I can empathise with you with all that's going on. All I can really say Pat is just keep telling yourself to take a deep breath and calm down (I know easier said than done ) Try thinking positive.Keep in touch whenever you've got time. Big HUGS to you both.

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Sorry I have not been in touch for a few days, have been very stressed over Graham.

The Zhospital is bringing him home today for a home visit to see whether he can cope with the stairs, etc., I was not too pleased when I went to see himm yesterday and he said he had a bed sore, may need a special mattress. Getting four home visits a day, that sounds ok, I have explained about my fibro, but looking after him sounds very hard work. Hope I can cope

My Son is looking for places near them, but must take one step at a time.

Best wishes


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Fluffymare in reply toFluffymare

Not managing to get much relaxation. Even before Graham comes home

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat it's good to see you back.I guessed you was busy with your husband and all. It may be good for you him comeing home,you may ,get your mind on him and forget about yourself.Im not saying your selfish I mean it just might be a distraction. I hope your son can find somewhere for you that would be a good help. Try and stay calm Pat,I know easier said than done,but try for your own health. Speak to you soon Big Hugs to you both. Keep in touch.

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Sorry not to have been in touch, but have been so stressed, with Graham's stroke and now he is coming home today and do not know what to expect.

Dr gave me some Pregabalin but afraid if the side effects, at such a time,.

Never felt so alone and scared in my life and my Fibro is giving me such horribe nerve pains, I am sure Graham must be feeling the same.

All the arrangements to get him home have been very exhausting, had to gave a hospital bed and pressure mattress, the house has been turned upside down making room for all the aids. He is quite frail and lost a lot of weight, only hope I can help him.

This Fibro has never been so bad, sometimes I wish we were both dead and out of the way.

I hope you are feeling ok, do keep in touch please,

Pat xxx

in reply toFluffymare

Oh Pat I really feel for you. Please don't have them thoughts of wishing you both dead. It's probably Graham's stroke that's made your problems worse,with all the stress. Once it's all settled down and your busy taking care of him ,you will calm down. Please try and calm down Pat,then you may find it eases. Big Hug to you both and I will keep in touch.

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Sorry not been in touch, but have been going through a very bad time, My husband is progressing very slowly, and I am the only one caring for him, and it is taking a big toll on me.

My Fibro is really bad at the moment, Dr gave me some Pregabalin, for my Fibro,mand it has given me the most horrendous muscle pain, only had two doses of the lowest dosage,mi should not have taken it, but I was desperate for some psin relief,

We have carers coming in but they only stay a few minutes, and you can't order when you want to go to the loo. Then their are the

Physio's coming, and the District nurse, telephone calls. Just can't get any rest. I am screaming inside to wish myself out of it.

That may seem awful, but I can only take so much.

Graham us still in bed, came home on the 31st and was very frail, only been down stairs once, and I my having to run up and downstairs, very tiring even for someone in good health.

Even taking my sleeping pill, he wakes me when he goes to the loo at 2 or 3 in the morning, so not getting much sleep.

The physio's are working to try to get him downstairs,

Sorry to burden you with all my troubles.

How are you?

Look forward to hearing from you

Love ,


in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat it's nice to here from you,and don't think you burden me or anyone else,that's the whole point of this forum. Just a suggestion would you not be better putting him a single bed downstairs,then during the day you could a least be close to him with a little less effort. The stress of it all won't be doing your health any good Pat. You really need to pick a time in the day ( probley when your husbands sleeping ) just for yourself for a nap or just to sit and recharge,I also think you've got to calm down a little Pat and don't stress so much,play some calming music . Try getting in touch with Age Concern I think they may be able to help you out, it's worth a try.Keep in touch Pat I don't mind if you want a rant. Big Hugs and I'll pray for you both.x

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Fluffymare in reply toFluffymare

Sorry about rushed message will keep in touch

Best Wishes

Pat xxxx

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Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply toFluffymare

Hi Norma

Graham has to have a hospital bed with air mattress

ThevPhysio's have to come to get him downstairs to sit in his chair for a few hours

He had to use commode as do not have d/stairs loo it's quite tiring going u/stairs to empty.

He is 82 and feel it would have been better if he had not survived his stroke, instead of Op

That saved his life, but for what!

He is a shell of the man I married 53 years ago, and i know from whst he has said he feels the same. That may sound odd to some people, and he is worried about me having to care for him, as inam not well

Relaxing is very hard for me, Always been a worrier, Psychistrist said my brain is hard wired to anxiety.through years if worrying.

Sorry about some of the words but this iPad keeps freezing and this is the 6th attempt

How are you, and the Ibs, your Hypnotherapy won't be long now


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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Are you ok, as not heard from you, I look forward to hearing from you.

Things are not much better here.

Still not getting much sleep, feel drained

Not too well, but it would be nice to hear from you


in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat it's nice to here from you. I bet your husband feels better being home. Has it been a little easier with him downstairs ? Things with me are no better,I can't wait till the end of December to see this hypnotherapist,I'm holding all my hopes on him. Are you getting more sleep now. I don't know much about Fibro Pat but my daughter inlaw has just been diagnosed with it,can you give me any tips to pass on to her. Take care and keep posting NORMA x

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Sorry to hear that your daughter in law has been diagnosed with Fibro, hope she only gets a few if the symptoms, because it is a cruel thing.and stress is one if the main the fatigue. Is she looks on line there is a lot if information, because it is an individual thing, mine truggered the ibs

Sorry to hear that your IBS is no better, hope the Hypnosis does the trick.

Ibam not coping well with Graham's stroke,

In fact I have never felt so unwell in my life

My anxiety and Fibro is full blown.

He is waking me in the night, getting his am and pm mixed up, was up at 4.30 This morning deciding he wanted a shave, I take a sleeping tab, waking at about 3 and can't go back

To sleep, so I am feeling very shattered.

Lies in bed most of day, sits out in a chair about 2-3,hours.

I think he will hVe to go into respite care, because he is running me into the ground.

This dreary weather has not been much help

Got no appetite, so eating is becoming very hard.

Sad is'nt it, when it happens, would have been better for him and me if he had gone , when he had that stroke, because his life now has no quality. Told my son if I ever have one not to save me.

On a brighter side my daughter in law has a beautiful baby boy on Monday named William Jack, I havd had lots of photos and seen him in the flesh oh Face Time, it's good that is'nt it

Bye for now keep in touch.


in reply toFluffymare

Congratulations Nanny, I wish I could be of more help to you Pat, but try and keep your chin up. Think of all the good times you and Graham had. But I couldn't agree with you more life is cruel especially when you get older. Keep in touch Pat if you feel you ever want a rant I'm here. Please try and think nice thoughts that may help lift your spirits,I know it's not easy when you feel unwell yourself. Maybe a good thing for Graham to go into respite to give you a rest. Big Hug to you both

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Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma

Had son good pictures of William Jack

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat, it's really good news you Haveing a grandson. How's things going with Graham ,I hope your comeing a little better. I've been to a funeral today, a really good friend of mine and my husband. Apart from that not much change with me. Pat I'm going to try and go into your private profile then we can talk a bit more private is that OK.

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Yes. Things are not good with me.

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat, it's really good news you Haveing a grandson. How's things going with Graham ,I hope your comeing a little better. I've been to a funeral today, a really good friend of mine and my husband. Apart from that not much change with me. Pat I'm going to try and go into your private profile then we can talk a bit more private is that OK.

Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply to

Yes, things are not good with me

Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Sorry I have not been in touch recently, but have been quite depressed with taking care of Graham, took him for his first assessment in November, and he now has Dibetes and Vascular Dementia and is not making much progress so life is not very easy.

Our Social worker, psychiatrist nd Doctor has asked him to go into Respite Care to give me a rest but he will not go.

Psychiatrist has put me on Venlafazine, been on it 4weeks, hope this one works

The baby is doing fine, my Son and family came over on Tuesday and cooked us a Christmas Dinner, it was lovely seeing them all, but also made me very sad, because 2 years ago I was cooking them a Christmas Dinner.

I have been reading some of your posts concerning your IBS, sorry to hear that you are having such a painful time, I really hope that your Hypnotherapy will help you, it is soon now is it not. How many sessions are you having,

Did you have a good Christmas and have you made things up with your Grandson,

My Fibromyalgia is very painful at the moment, it is so debilitating makes you want to do nothing.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Lots of Love


Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Sorry I have not been in touch recently, but have been quite depressed with taking care of Graham, took him for his first assessment in November, and he now has Dibetes and Vascular Dementia and is not making much progress so life is not very easy.

Our Social worker, psychiatrist nd Doctor has asked him to go into Respite Care to give me a rest but he will not go.

Psychiatrist has put me on Venlafazine, been on it 4weeks, hope this one works

The baby is doing fine, my Son and family came over on Tuesday and cooked us a Christmas Dinner, it was lovely seeing them all, but also made me very sad, because 2 years ago I was cooking them a Christmas Dinner.

I have been reading some of your posts concerning your IBS, sorry to hear that you are having such a painful time, I really hope that your Hypnotherapy will help you, it is soon now is it not. How many sessions are you having,

Did you have a good Christmas and have you made things up with your Grandson,

My Fibromyalgia is very painful at the moment, it is so debilitating makes you want to do nothing.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Lots of Love


in reply toFluffymare

Hi pat I'll reply to you in a while I've just wrote a long message to you and lost it. Annoying

Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply to

Hi Norma,

Have'nt spoken to you in a while, have seen your postings, concerning your IBS, you sound as though you are still having a bad time. Sorry to hear that.

How is your Hypnotherapy going are you getting any benefit from it. I do hope so.

I am waiting to go to a pain management programme, hoping it won't be long as this pain and fatigue is getting me down,

Especially at night.

My Grandson William is doing really well and growing fast, and has now settled down at night and David and Zoe are getting more sleep, which they are grateful for.

Look forward to hearing from you soon.


Pat xxxx

in reply toFluffymare

Hi Pat, nice to hear from you. Your sounding a bit happier with baby, and pain management . I hope that works for you. How's your husband ? As for me don't ask nothing seems to be going right. I seem to get some hope then something else goes wrong. Still I suppose I'm not the only one with all these problems. The NHS seems to be just going crazy. I hope your a bit luckier than me with your pain control. You metion fatigue have you had your thyroid checked. Take Care Pat and hope your husbands doing better.

Fluffymare profile image
Fluffymare in reply to

I am having constant pain all day, still waiting to hear from Pain Clinic, my Dr has referred me to Mr Blaney at the QE Hospital Birmingham he supposedly deals with all kind of Chronic Pain, but it's wait, wait wait.

Is the Hypnotheray going alright, I know how much you were looking forward to it, what is going wrong ? you sound so down.

Graham is about the same I do not think there will be much more improvement,

I think the Venlafaxine has lifted my mood a little but has done nothing for Fibromyalgia,

Which is as painful as ever, and the fatigue is something else, taking me all my time to function, the weather does not help be glad to see the Spring, it's so cold at the moment

Keep in touch, I look forward to hearing from you,

Old Age is fine as long as you have your health and mobility.

Lots of Love,


PoplarTree profile image

Try a waterbed.. go to the shop and ask about a trial. My waterbed made such a difference to the length of time I sleep each night. With a standard bed I slept for 15 to 30 minutes at a stretch but this month I have slept through the night - full 7 hours- on 2 nights and generally am sleeping at least 4 hours straight.

As the whole body is supported I do not turn although I know given my hypermobile joints that if I fall asleep on my side I wake in pain but at least on the waterbed I sleep.

"hardness" can easily be adjusted by adding or taking out water, as little as 500 ml.

Not what you're looking for?

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