When my daughter was first ill (6 months ago), she had an MRI head scan. They found that she had a 3.5 x 2.5 cm temporal arachnoid cyst in the right cranial fossa. It would probably have been there from birth.
We were assured that it wasn’t affecting her brain at all, and wouldn’t cause her FND symptoms, but we have always been suspicious as we have no way of knowing if the cyst had grown. The size seems large and if you research the type of cyst, they say that over 3cm is considered dangerous.
My daughter suffers mainly with walking, and dizziness. Her gait has declined a lot in the last 6 months and she is now struggling with bright light and pressure headaches in the location of the cyst. We are seeing a private Neuro Muscular therapist who is concerned that the cyst may be causing her left sided weakness. He urged us to get it checked out in case of an increase in size, a bleed or rupture of the cyst.
We saw the GP who sent her for blood tests and an eye test. My daughter is low on B12 but her eye health/vision is normal. The GP thinks it is right to get a second opinion on the cyst and has now made an urgent referral to Neurology.
I think this is a step in the right direction, and I’m wondering if anybody else has heard of one of these cysts, especially if connected with FND/neurological symptoms.