As you's know I went out yesterday to order my sign about feeling proud I wished now that I had put a bit more in it, can anyone come up with any sayings that will remind me that I can cope with FND so that I can get another sign made.Any help would be appreciated,I know it's maybe to much to ask especially when most of the time our concentration is poor.Is anyone up for helping it could possibly help you aswell, it doesn't have to be a saying it could be anything that will encourage me to battle on.Thanks
Looking for help: As you's know I went... - Functional Neurol...
Looking for help

My head is bloody but unbowed
You are braver than you believe , stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.
This may not be what you are looking for, but it's my go to.
It's a famous Winnie the Pooh Quote!
I am so pleased you are feeling proud. Such a lovely positive place to be in. Be proud of each little accomplishment. Each little thing that means nothing to the outside world is massive to people with fnd. It's so hard not to get down with fnd, so I love you are getting a sign as a reminder ❤️
It's taken a few years but I do now do a 2 hr cleaning job 5 days a week and although I have to rest straight after and really look after myself, I can generally cope most of the time. There are flare ups. I have just gone from September till yesterday not crossing a road without anyone with me, and yesterday went to town for the first time by myself. At work, I know if my eyes clamp shut I can feel my way around the pub to find my boilling water to re open them. It's a massive improvement fron a year and a half were I literally had to have a carer with me at all times and didn't think I'd ever be able to work again.
There is hope and things can get alot better. It's hard, but try to remain positive and optimistic. I try and fit lots of thi gs I enjoy in. Especially as I can still dance. And if I have my eyes clamp shut whilst dancing, people are aware and will help me. I also am in a drum band and have private drum lessons all since fnd as part of my recovery. Find something that you enjoy and that takes you away from the sadness of fnd and where you can release the tension and be you.
Keep the positivity up and surround yourself with love and kindness. Enjoy today's sunshine
Good is goooood and bad is disappointing
I went to a great rare conditions meeting in the UK several years ago and met a young woman with Frederick's Ataxia who had a saying which was 'I have FA but it does not have me'. I promptly nicked it for MdDS and made it into a t-shirt to wear at future rare conditions meetings. Maybe your sign could say 'I have FND but it does not have me'.
Thanks for your reply i'm very grateful,i'm excited about this now I can't wait to get this done.
I'm curious if it needs to be a professionally made sign.
I buy blank index cards in the regular size and also a very large size.
I have sharpies in about a dozen colors.
I make little signs and larger signs for myself that I tape all over my apartment to remind myself of all kinds of different things including that I am capable of accomplishing whatever tasks need to be accomplished.
A pack of pens and a pack of index cards could probably cost $20 or less and last a long time.
When I get so accustomed to the sign that I don't notice it anymore I take it down and move it to someplace else or I make a new one with different colored ink and put that up to get my attention all over again.
I think it's great that you are doing this 😻👍🏻
Yes it's getting professionally made I've ordered the first one but I need to go through all the ideas that people on the website gave me so that I can get a second one made,i'm going to see if I can get pictures of my wee grandson on it because he is the reason I need to live,I need to be here for him when he comes out of care.It is bloody hard I've got a constant battle going on in my head at times it's goes back and forth from just take an overdose to seeing my wee grandsons face,it's brain damage. I JUST HOPE IT HELPS ME, THAT'S GOOD WHAT ?YOUR DOING TO HELP YOURSELF TAKE CARE.