So finally have a diagnosis of fnd and crps. Second time around with crps first with fnd. Peg fed as gut can only handle iceblocks. Fnd occured after mesh removal in2019 urostomy in 2020 diagnosis 2021 what foods have people successfully retained ok please. I live in new zealand im 56
Fnd and crps: So finally have a... - Functional Neurol...
Fnd and crps

Hi. I'd like to help but i don't understand your question
Unfortunately it’s trial and error. I’m very intuitive and I do muscle testing on myself (kinesiology) My body stopped eating meat, I loved meat but my gut couldn’t handle it. I also cannot eat a lot of raw vegetables like salad. Ask yourself or your body each food. I believe The body wants to heal and tries to get to homeostasis but we take it one moment at a time. Gaps or Elimination diet is reintroduce see how u feel, so mindfulness. Every FND is different. My speech is affected greatly. I get many non epileptic seizures tremors new tics dystonia basically all the symptoms on neuro
thank you for your help. My bowel has peristalsis so the tummy ferments food or vomits it sometimes i like hummus ice blocks i know know are the pleasure zone to calm the brain. However then i drool thick plegmn only diagnosed on monday. It st off at least 2 years ago so trying to get any help from long term people. I have suffered a chronic pain condition crps since 1992 led to amputation in 2008 altho atrophy kept accuring. Crps and fnd have now been diagnosed. I have not been reffered to any specialists since it was put on paper to gp not me. I was just crazy and anorexic. Truelly i was having potassium psychosis it was all ignored. Thank you again