Im wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
I’m really struggling to deal with this FND or whatever it is. Tonight I was laying in bed falling asleep to a Netflix show and I kept getting, in my right nostril, a really foul sewage like smell. I obviously got up smelled my bedding smelled my clothes smell my breath as any normal person would trying to figure out where it was stemming from. I laid back down watched about another five minutes and once again I caught a whiff. It comes for about five seconds and then it’s gone. I finally Google it and sure enough it comes back as Phantosmia which is olfactory hallucinations, often foul smelling, caused by temporal lobe epilepsy, Parkinson’s, amygdala dysfunction, etc…
I was diagnosed a month ago with FND. It is no exaggeration when I say I have had every damn neurological symptom that one can think of. Every time I get myself to a place where I accept my condition and know I can handle things, I am blindsided by a new symptom that I didn’t even know existed.
I am picking up on a pattern, I get about 5-6 days of relief, and then a flare up of symptoms that lasts for 7-10 days. This has been the pattern for the past five months . It obviously took me a while to recognize it as such. Many of the symptoms are ones I’ve had in the past but then something new always presents itself. Thankfully they do not all come at the same time and thankfully they do not all stay. But I am so defeated. I am obviously in a flareup right now dealing with hearing issues, burning hands, muscle twitches, and the smell issues. It feels like my brain is electrically charged/buzzing. My guess is this will play itself out for the next week and a half and then I will get four or five days where I believe I’ve made it through the last time , and I be made it to the other side!!! and then randomly one morning I’ll wake up with a finger twitching and I’ll know that it’s starting again…
A nice way to live.