I have miraculous news that I thought would never come. I'd fully accepted the FND diagnosis at age 27 and coped with terrible pain, unilateral upper and lower limb paresis, use of wheelchair, and 2 years of disability. But this week, after 2 years of having an FND diagnosis , my spine was finally x-rayed and signs of multiple herniated thoracic discs were discovered, as well as joint degeneration in my lumbar spine.
I injured my upper back at work 2 years ago during a lifting accident and haven't worked since. The injury was well-documented in my chart yet never x-rayed or MRI-d. Because my paresis and pain is unilateral concentrated below my navel, no focus was placed on this injury that occured 3 months before "FND" symptoms began. I was put in physical therapy for 14 months for hip pain that only made "FND" symptoms worse.
3 neurologists and countless doctors put me through every test imaginable. I've had imaging tests of every part of my body except my spine and blood tests for everything from Wilson's Disease to Lead poisoning. I have a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and I know now I was misdiagnosed because of this existing mental health condition. For example, my secons neurologist (of three) attributed my severe hyperreflexia and positive Hoffman sign to anxiety. Hyperreflexia is a major sign of thoracic disc herniation and this is now supported by objective radiographic images.
I'm so glad I didn't stop looking, but it took finding a physical therapist who believed in my pain first and counted Bipolar as irrelevant. I believe my doctors in the last two years got lost "in the weeds" and instead of stopping to test the simplest explanation (spinal injury) opted to attribute it to an existing, yet well-managed, mental health condition.